110 Renegotiation. (1/2)

Undying Will Raiohosore 24950K 2022-07-23

Roma could not help but stutter, her eyes wide open and her hands dully grasping at the steel rail on her boat. Her crew seemed to share at the sentiment if their dull and languid expression was anything to go by.

The water had finally begun to settle down as the scary winds abruptly stopped. The thick and oppressive fog seemed to clear somewhat as all the Yuda stopped.

Their eyes grew dull, as an almost human look of emotion came over their predatory yellow eyes. The creatures that had been giving them so much trouble stooped with the rest, then in unison gazed up at the moon.

Then with a synchronized hiss that had Roma shivering they began to roar. There was no sorrow in their eyes for the death of a fellow serpent, only the sorrow of losing the apex of their own race.

A low thrum sounded in the air as their tongues lolled out of their fanged mouths. The creatures stared in solitude for a few minutes, then they streamed to the ruined island. All of them uncharacteristically silent in their approach.

”Quick Hurry to that side!” Roma growled as she motioned to the alcove where some Yuda still stood gazing around carefully. She had not forgotten the reason for her arrival here, after all of this she at least wished to strengthen the bond between the lily and the island.

The fact that some Yuda still listened to them more than enough reason for the relationship.

”Roma, what about them?” Iwa motioned with her eyes, motioning towards the solitary boat that stood idly diagonal to the entrance.

The sea kings that guarded the ship seemed to slump forward somewhat as what resembled a sigh of relief arose from their bellowing chests. Still they stood protectively however, each one of them glaring down with a menacing look at the retreating Yuda, shooting them and the group of survivors dirty looks from time to time.

The people on the boat seemed to deflate, the women with the sword leaning down kneeling on the wooden flooring as she breathed deeply. Her face was downcast as she tried to catch her breath, her hands still clasping her sword harshly.

The man with the rope sat beside her, his hands shaking so overtly that Roma could see them move from where she was on the deck of her boat.

His eyes were closed as his face stood pale and glistening. Blood streamed through his hands, though if it was his own or that of the creatures that he had slain Roma could not be sure. His black hair fell mop like on his forehead as it seemed to drip with sweat.

With shaking hands he tapped his neighbor on the shoulder shooting her a look of inquisition before flopping on his back breathing deeply.

As the boat neared the catchment of survivors Roma could see the fog at the center shifting as the Yuda clout parted. From the very center where the beast had fallen the gray haired man from earlier walked out, deliberately calm as he stepped on the tired water.

In his left hand he held the plump man from before, holding him by the scruff of the neck with his hands hooked through his still somehow in proper shape shirt. In his other hand he held limping man that Roma had not seen before.

The man had his arm slung over the grey one's shoulder as he limped along, his feet dipping into the water as he tried to maintain his level.