109 Lights ou (1/2)

Undying Will Raiohosore 36750K 2022-07-23

With a cocky smile Fawkes gazed at his captain, a hand on his ankle as his compatriot stared down the gaping maw of the scaly serpent.

At this point he had finally calmed down, and after he had vented his frustrations on a whole school of Yuda he had finally realized where he was meant to be. Angella and Terrick did not have Haki, though the former could awaken it at any moment. They were exempt from this fight, for they would only serve as a hurdle in it.

Sorren could at least provide some form of support seeing as he had his own brand of Conqueror's Haki, that he could use to empower Lorean's. With the trio combining their own Haki he was sure that they would be able to match the sheer magnitude of the mighty behemoth that gazed down at them, coiling its torso a little as it attempted to gather the energy to leap at them.

The duo stood on a dilapidated boat, the wood barely holding together against the monstrous pressure. Too scarred even to whine it seemed.

Suddenly with a roar the creature rose to its full height, the moon light from up above briefly clearing the thick bloody fog. It shone down on the creature's head, reflecting off its old scales as it glared down menacingly.

The water around them rose as the boat began to capsize.

With a mighty heave Fawkes yanked his captain to his feet, his expression souring as he looked around before he signaled to Sorren. The trio jumped off the rickety boat, as soon as they did they could not help but grimace for the wooden contraption fell away. Disintegrating as if it were leaves in a mighty wind.

From below the water's surface they could see a grimacing sea king, almost as soon as the boat disappeared off of its head it ducked inward vanishing from sight. Obviously it had been spooked, the fact that it had delivered its charge also seemed to play a part in its hasty escape.

Fawkes glanced over at his captain soundlessly. He knew that talking would not be able to help, so he glanced at him silently, an inquiring glance in his eyes.

Lorean looked at the humongous serpent before swiftly pushing aside his allies, rotating his body and Sonido-ing out of the way of the monster's face. For the first time rips appeared alongside his chest, torn apart with the ruthless winds that accompanied the charging maw.

Fawkes glanced over at Sorren before he jumped into the fray, roaring as loud as he could he attempted to jump at the serpent's head.

Sorren too decided this was the moment to act, unlike his compatriots however he was unable to use any of the six powers . Unwillingly falling at a wave of debris he made up his mind. Flaring up his miniscule aura he roared out loud, buckling his knees for the eventual fall in the process.

As if by a signal a second flare of Haki roared to life, this extremely close to the head of the serpent.

With a cacophonic screech, it spat at him. Humongous globules of venom flying at him from the front. The stench alone enough to knock out a lesser man.

Fortunately for him, he knew Observation Haki, and had a very dependable captain. With a swish in the air a dagger lodged itself in the creature's cheek area, digging deep into the still bleeding tattered muscles.

With a shriek of rage it turned around, and struck. A part of its tail and its wide face on a collision course with Lorean at its center.

With a grunt Lore looked at the oncoming creature an idea in his relatively clear head. With a deep push he reentered a state of extreme focus. The individual details of the creature's scales visible in his eyes as time slowed down.

Just as the tail seemed to touch at his back he flared his legs. Moon walk carrying him to safety with his feet resting on the hard and sturdy scales.

Then with another grunt he flared his legs forward, kicking off the ledge with a force that cracked the scales underneath slightly.

He looked over at the grimacing Fawkes as he made his way closer, then he mouthed a few words.

Fawkes stood stock still glaring at his captain helplessness evident in his gaze. He usually accepted and rode with the craziness that Lorean displayed. Not this time!

This idea wasn't just crazy it was suicidal, but it could work…

With another glance at the outside he grimaced. Then he looked down at Sorren before motioning at the tail that Lorean stood on.

Sorren gaped with naked disbelief before he too sighed.

'He's getting therapy after this…' he thought to himself as he nodded.

With a flare of his stocky legs he jumped upwards, yanking himself up onto a stray part of the creature's limbs before running along it.