49 Garp is pissed again… (1/2)
With a sigh I looked at the calm sea, sitting cross legged on the tip of the ship that was its bow. My face rested on my hands and a bored look was present in my eyes as I looked at the departing land that was Rubeck.
Sorren stood at the front of the ship near the steering wheel, carelessly eating a chicken leg that he had probably nicked from somewhere and enjoying the sea breeze as he controlled the direction that the ship would move in.
Fawkes sounded loudly from the kitchen as he prepared what would be our lunch, while the newest additions to the crew sat at the very middle of the deck.
Angella sat reading a book studiously, one of her hands playing with the curl of her brown hair, while another held up the devil fruit encyclopedia that I had nicked from the Gambino heads personal coffers.
Finally Terrick, our resident assassin and defacto information specialist sat polishing his set of needles, looking carefully at them all.
Honestly, the entire trip within North Blue could be considered a jolly vacation, if the crew did this when we were in the grand line, I was sure that we would end up sunk before we reached our first major kingdom.
On another topic however, I was quite sad as the days went by. Owing to the fact that the bounty that I had been awaiting, was nowhere in sight! 'Come on! if not me, at least give Fawkes a bounty! We killed a warlord! Some respect would be nice!!' I roared in my head for the umpteenth time as I regarded my crew, before returning to the plain sea.
”OK now what Captain?!” Came the voice of the cook and first mate of the crew as he came out of the kitchen wearing an apron.
”Now we set sail to the North pole!” I roared from my seat as I looked over at him with a lazy look. ”After that we'll double back to the West Blue, and when we have all the people that our crew could need, we'll enter the Grand line! ” I said as I slowly rose to my feet and pointed at the sky with reckless abandon.
With a raucous laugh I looked happily at the white cloud ridden sky, joined by the joy and happiness of the crew that I had taken upon myself would sail with me to the ends of the world…
”The flint lock! Get the damn flintlock fool!!” an incensed marine could be heard screaming at a nearby cabin boy, before scowling at him and proceeding to do it himself.
”Vice Admiral, we traced the pirate crew down to this location, the mafia island of Rubeck!” A loud white capped marine called as he looked at the smoking wreck that used to be the northern part of the island.