48 Do you Have Chicken Legs? (1/2)

Undying Will Raiohosore 21390K 2022-07-23

A sigh echoed throughout the room as the group of five people somehow adjusted to the claustrophobic environment of the inn room. On the bed sat the reclining Angella who looked goofily at the ceiling, unable to stop the throbbing associated with boredom.

On the window sill sat a bored Fawkes who looked vacantly into the yellow rays of the morning idlely brushing his fingers through the cracks in his choice of a seat. Sorren sat on the ground, playing with a chicken leg that he had somehow obtained.

I sat on the floor, leaning against the wall of the dingy grey room sighing in boredom as we waited for the fool that was Terrick's employer. Terrick had sworn that he would be here, before going off to get his stalk of treasure and items.

Some would ask, how I the super smart crew captain could allow such a new recruit to possibly sell us out, to which I would reply with my own brand of carelessness in the form of 'this island isn't strong enough to possibly offer any form of threat.'

But of course for anyone with half a brain cell, this would not be a permissible reason, having too many holes in it to be any good. So off its own merit, I had done a Foxy on the matter, allowing the man one opportunity to sabotage the crew.

With a tired sigh, Fawkes turned to me before looking at me curiously ” Why don't we take the fight to those fugly bastards??” he asked before promptly ignoring my answer in favor of going to sleep.

”Goddamit San Juan, show some backbone and attack already, get some help from that conniving Armand to!” I said through gritted teeth as I began using my dagger to clean my nails.

”With a slight thud, the door opened queuing for the entry of the crew's assassin who surprisingly seemed to keep his word. ”Oi Captain, I saw the fool San Juan getting his entire house up in arms! Those assholes from the other two families seemed to be joining in as well!” he called out slightly anxious to the whole thing.

”Wait, you mean the nice Uncle Armand is joining them too???” A naïve voice popped up as the child of our crew joined in on the conversation with a barely concealed anger.

”Captain let me at 'em I want to beat 'em all up!!” he said with a bit of righteous vengeance. ”Usually, I would scold you for wanting to monopolize all the fun, but the waiting has made the whole thing sour, Oi Fawkes get up and lets go to the ship, little fatty, you deal with those assholes, don't hold back on the killing they aren't really any good men on the other side.” I said before leading all the residents in the room out of the window (For we still hadn't paid for the inn room, we just let some people that looked like scouts see us so that they knew where we were, we couldn't have them getting lost now could we??)

”Aye Cap” came the chorus as we all jumped out the window, Fawkes still yawning and glaring at me for suddenly changing plans and screwing around.