Chapter 279 - Operation Begin (1/2)

Despite Ruby's inital threat... she didn't carry it out for a number of reasons.

Most of those reasons being Laz.

Had he not been there, she probably would have done exactly what she said and much more. But for the sake of his journey, she decided to step back, if only slightly.

While Ruby didn't shove her boot exactly where she said she was going to, that didn't stop her from quickly vanishing from sight, appearing behind Jennia, grabbing her hair and kicking her in the a.s.s. The force of the blow was so immense, Jennia felt her entire lower body go out from under her as her body crashed to the floor on her back. Then, before she could even move, a boot was pressed down on her neck, causing her to be unable to move or barely even breath.

Ruby just looked down on her, but interestingly, there was no anger or even disgust on her face. Ruby might have let her emotions get to her briefly thanks to a certain someone, but she quickly regained control. This girl on the floor underneath her was basically an ignorant sheep that wandered into a den of wolves thinking that she too was a wolf. Ruby didn't think ignorance was an excuse, but for her man, she could take a step back.

That step back being a step off Jennia's neck.

Ruby leaned down, fixing her dress as she did so. She had some black shorts on under the dress, but it was a self conscious thing.

”Now then. Where we are going, your mouth is going to be as useless as these huge t.i.t.s,” Ruby said, poking Jennia's c.h.e.s.t.

”Maybe in a controlled environment, you could score a few hits on a decent opponent, but in a real fight, you won't even see it coming. And where we are going, it's kill or be killed. And you won't even see the strike that takes your life. So never lower you guard. And if by some f.u.c.k.e.d up bit of luck you actually get out of this alive, work on those flabby arms and legs of yours. Your only hindering your own potential by not working to your fullest.”

With that last bit of advice, Ruby walked over to where Laz was standing. He didn't really have an expression on his face, but he had been feeling pissed that someone would insult Ruby like that.

Seeing Laz in a bit of a foul mood, Ruby just stood right in front of his, wrapped her arms around his head and kissed him, tongue and all. It went on for a good minute until Malene, fake coughing, caused them to stop. In response, Ruby stuck out her tongue at Malene who did the same back. Laz couldn't help but chuckle at how cute they liked to be sometimes.

While Laz was amused, Aaron and Cal where horrified and even Jennia had forgotten to get up. For her, it was a bit better since she was only horrified by how fast and dangerous Ruby was. Even now, after having been knocked down, she couldn't figure out how Ruby had gotten behind her. Jennia had always done well in Aaron's training sessions and there was barely anyone here, at least among the Vodun, who could challenge her. But now, this girl she had never met before, was able to take her out as easy as that. Part of her was pissed, but the part of her that respected strength was amazed.

The ones who took Jennia's lost the hardest was Aaron and Madam Cal. And what they took hard wasn't Jennia being beaten since that was a given. It was that Ruby didn't kill her, not that they wanted to see that happen. They had planned to jump in the moment they detected killing intent, even if they had to beg Laz to intervene. What they thought would happen was that Jennia would figure out who Ruby was and back off since they had informed all of their members about certain people that you didn't want to go against. But it seems like Jennia didn't get the message.

Strangely, at no point did Ruby seem like she was going to kill the mouthy girl. And in fact, she looked pretty harmless while flirting with Laz. They had already been amazed by Laz's relationship with Malene, but this was almost more than they could handle. Ruby's reputation was something that had been proven time and time again. She didn't take shit from anyone. She wasn't what one would call a hot head, but Ruby did have a tendency to over react.

Luckily, the leader of Blood Moon could control her and she was respectful of the leader of Black Rose. If not for those two people, Ruby's body count would have been a lot higher.

But now, this girl who would return even the hint of aggression with an a.s.s beating to show her dominance, was acting like a kitten in front of Laz. Aaron was almost tempted to ask how he did it, but with his wife standing next to him, he quickly realized there were less painful ways to die.

”Well then... um... I guess now would be a good time to arrange some sparring... does anyone want to volunteer?” Aaron cleared his throat to get everyone's attention and asked.

The responses were lacking after having seen Ruby rip apart one of the strongest people in the room.

Seeing this, Laz took a step up.

”Dwayne, come on over,” Laz said.

”No way in hell bro,” Dwayne responded back.

”I'm not going to hurt you,” Laz said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry at his attitude.

”I ain't worried about you. I'm worried about...” Dwayne trailed off after seeing Malene and Ruby look at him as though wondering just what he was going to call them.

”... those fine ladies of yours...”

”Right. Ok. Look. These two won't be fighting any of you. Neither will I. You all can fight with each other and get some tips and pointers from both of them. Most of you have had training depending on which group you belong to, but these ladies can help you with using your abilities to the fullest. I will be helping out as well. This will be very different than just regular fist fighting,” Laz said. He didn't know the girl's wanted to do this until the ride over when they mentioned they would help with it.

”Ruby Snake and Spirit Girl giving tips?”

”That's f.u.c.k.i.n.g awesome.”

”I want Spirit Girl to evaluate me. I wonder what she will think about my spiritual abilities?”

”F.u.c.k that. A few tips from the Ruby Snake on how to kill quickly is what I am after.”

The people in the crowd who did know who Ruby and Malene were spoke to each other almost immediately, causing them to be question by those who didn't know. Of those that didn't recognize the faces, they all knew the names however and quickly understood.

This included Jennia who now looked amazingly pale as she tried her best to not look at Ruby.

Laz was actually the one most in the dark about the two of them.

”Ruby Snake and Spirit Girl? Really? The f.u.c.k kind of superhero names are those? And when did we start giving out super hero names?” Laz asked, looking from side to side while both girls fought back a smile.

”We didn't come up with them.”

”Yeah, Kennedy was especially pissed when that was what we started being called. But how the hell do you hide things like that these days?”

”Someone coined the terms and they stuck. Mostly it's because they don't know our real names and it's probably better that way.”

”It's the only thing that kept our dear sister from going on a murder rampage.”

”Does Kennedy and Leona have names then?”

”Oh yeah,”

”Yep, although Kennedy is hardly ever seen out and about, there have been a few times.”

”And the impact she made on people was astounding.”

”So... you're not going to...”


”No way. More fun this way.”

Laz realized that the one hard part about being in a relationship with several women was that he would always and forever be outnumbered.