Chapter 278 - Early Gathering (1/2)

Laz, Malene and Ruby got up and finally got dressed... mostly. When the s.e.x is good to the degree that it was for them, it lets you ride a high like you've never experienced before. As such, they collectively couldn't give much of a f.u.c.k about clothing. If anything, Malene and Ruby cursed these new friends of Laz for ruining their moment.

But as Laz reminded the girls, if they were here, there must be a reason other than that they thought something had happened with Laz. If you considered who they brought with them, there wasn't a lot of fire power. The Ivy's were the strongest of the bunch while Dwayne was in a weird second. Julia would have been the strong third while Abraham was just in the late stage of awakening.

”Alright. Out with it,” Laz said, drinking right from a wine bottle.

Everyone had gather back onto the balcony since it was the only place that wasn't totally destroyed by the crazy night.

”Well... we were trying to reach you because we thought you were in danger...” Julia said at first, but then looking around at the ones she brought, she realized she was probably too hasty. Anyone that could cause Laz trouble wouldn't find this group to be very dangerous, except maybe the Ivy's.

”Alright. Yes. But I'm guessing you were looking for me before that,” Laz said in thought.

”Yo Bro. There is just too much to this. The peeps we got going on don't have no confidence with this plan.” Dwayne said, having a drink himself. Out of everyone here, besides Laz and his girls, Dwayne looked the most relaxed. Laz could only wonder what kind of situations he had been involved in that would give him this level of confidence.

”The operation time is tomorrow night...tonight...” Laz said, looking at the time. He then turned to look at Malene.

”What time do you go back?” He asked the girl who was leaning on one side of him while snuggling him.

”Later tonight. My flight leaves around five.”

”Ok. And you're coming with me?” Laz asked Ruby who was currently snuggled on the other side of him.

”You think I trust you to do something like this alone?” Ruby asked back.

”Right. Fair enough. Ok, give us a few hours to sleep and then gather everyone up. I guess it's probably better if we get a little exercise in before the main event.” Laz didn't have experience leading a group like this, but it occurred to him that maybe introductions before the event were in order. And besides which, his best helpers were right beside him, so why not make use of them?

”Where would you like to gather?” Julia asked as she pondered this idea.

”We need a large, open area designed for fighting. Dwayne! Check to see if we can use the underground arena your aunt and uncle set up?”

”Yeah dawg. No problem. I don't think they will have any problems if I tell them you're asking for it. I'll set it up with them right now.” Dwayne took out a phone and dialed. Apparently they were the type of people that were easier to reach this way as opposed to texting.

”Long as we got the go, have everyone meet at the physic's corner. Since we were planning on meeting there anyway, we can just set it up to do it sooner.” Laz ordered. Julia immediately took out her phone to contact those within the council while one of the Ivy's went to work as well.

When everyone left, they had plans set in stone. Starting at 8 am, everyone would meet in the physic shop bas.e.m.e.nt and begin teamwork building and sparring to get everyone familiar with each other. Although it was a last minute set up, Laz believed it was better then nothing which was what they would have had otherwise.

”You know a couple hours of this isn't going to change anything, right?” Malene said after closing the door.

”What choice do I have? Everyone's going to be nervous as f.u.c.k if we don't do something,” Laz responded with a sigh.

Ruby sat down on his l.a.p before Malene could beat her to it.

”Why do we need them? Just you and me baby and we could conquer the whole thing,” she spoke.

”Because yeah, we could do this once. You and me. But are we going to be available for every gate that opens?”

”Dear. You can't protect these people. You have no idea what this gate is going to be or how difficult it will be. Hell, it could be a death trap. You need to let go of that idea of yours. Let them know, straight up, some of them, if not all of them, will die. You need to be honest about it. Throw them into the fire if you want so that they can get some experience, but leave them to succeed or fail on their own.”

Laz wasn't planning on babysitting the group going in with him, but he did feel that he should at least look out for them. This speech from Malene was blunt and Laz had no argument to make back. Besides which, he could tell this wasn't so much as trying to convince him as it was ordering him. It was just a gentle order.

”Listen to her. We all ended up in a gate once,” Ruby shared.

”You did?” Laz asked. This was the first they mentioned it.

”It was totally by accident and the world inside of it was mostly dead,” Malene said, trying to reassure Laz.

”Mostly? Sister, our man may be as dense as hardened concrete, but he's not stupid,” Ruby said, patting Laz's head while laughing at Malene.

Malene laughed along with her.

”You do know I am sitting right here... like, right here right?” Laz asked, astounded.

”Of course baby. I can feel your rod poking me from underneath,” Ruby said, moving her h.i.p.s a bit to tease him.

”Enough. He need's his rest since we now have another problem to try to solve.”

”Right, right. Ok, shower time for us. You go get the bed ready... or at least see if you can get some pillows and blankets set up,” Ruby said, looking around. She then grabbed Malene's hand and went for the bathroom to bath, leaving Laz alone.

”Why do I feel.... I don't even know what to feel right now? Am I being treated like a child? A maid? Or some sort of whipped boyfriend?” Laz asked out loud.



Two voices came out from the closed bathroom door, causing Laz to laugh despite wanting to sulk a bit more.