Chapter 512 - Back to Kuvosie (part-1) (1/2)
Antariskh stomped into her office like an enraged bull while the servants made themselves scarce from her sight, she did not have to wait too long as her sisters had arrived soon especially seeing her enraged state.
”Is something wrong Antariskh you seemed to be annoyed as well as enraged?”
Antariskh looked towards Sylvana as she replied back with a growl, ”Oh that wretched wench who had the audacity to call herself Ryuu's mother is the reason I am angry.”
Shamiran had an amused look on her face as she spoke, ”Ho what did she do?”
Antariskh huffed as she spoke, ”What did she not do, I was enjoying my time with my brother he was showing me around Kuvosie and all of a sudden they popped up.”
”I believe they did something incredibly stupid to draw your ire.”
The new voice drew her attention as a small smile appeared on her face as Antariskh spoke, ”Mothers, father it is good to see you.”
Veena gave a nod as she continued to speak, ”So what did they do to make you so angry?”
”Well it was not only me but brother as well, and in fact I finally learned how frustrating Ryuu must feel whenever they try to speak with him, at first they questioned him about his whereabouts and then that wench who calls herself his mother called me a scarlet woman that is trying to seduce brother with my looks just because I look more beautiful than her.”
As she spoke her killing intent spiked as well as the rest of her families while Maheswara gained an enraged look on his face as he spoke, ”How dare she say something like that about my daughter, I will erase her existence.”
Antariskh sighed as she spoke, ”I would have done so if it were not for the fact that brother wanted his justice though all his planning would have turn to dust today, if I had not suppressed his cultivation brother would have torn her head off.”
Maheswara gave a nod of approval as he spoke, ”As he should, good boy protecting his sister's honor.”
Antariskh smiled as she spoke, ”It was cute watching baby brother defend my honor though he would have blown his own plan to smithereens if I had let him proceed he should try to learn to temper his anger and try to gain some patience.”
Nuwa simply smiled as she spoke, ”As he should be, he has set his priorities in the correct direction, we are so proud of him.”
Antariskh gave a nod of approval as she spoke, ”So true second mother, though sometimes I wonder how someone like them give birth to Ryuu”
Celestia hummed in thought as she spoke, ”There is a saying that even lotus bloom in the dung, and I am happy we got the beautiful lotus to ourselves.”
Antariskh gave a nod before she spoke with a frown, ”His opponent is using something known as Blood God pool to increase his strength and from our calculation he would need at least five months to completely raise his strength, a waste of time not to mention Ryuu would be driven insane by then, so I ask you all what should we do to increase the speed of that filth's cultivation.”
Celestia's eyes narrowed as she spoke, ”There are ways to do so but you do not wish to harm the cultivation of the person right?”
”Of course not mother, that is brother's job but after what I have seen today I can simply say that it is a punishment for him to stay in that place as it would seriously start causing him severe mental issues.”
Celestia frowned in deep thought as she spoke, ”I have something I will be right back.”, with that Celestia quickly left and returned within a minute with thick tomes.
”I do not think any of us are well knowledgeable in some demonic technique but I have tomes about it we can discuss and decide what to do next.”
Shamiran nodded as she spoke, ”So true, I have also asked my subordinates to bring all information on the Blood God Pool that Ryuu's prey has created, and here it is.”
A short but furious discussion took place and they all came to a not so startling as well as lackl_u_s_ter conclusion.
”Idiot that Ji something is an idiot.”
Nuwa nodded as she spoke, ”So true Sylvana, he is an idiot.”
Maheswara frowned as he spoke, ”Well he is an idiot but at the same time he is using bastardized version of the original Blood God Pool.”
Celestia snorted as she spoke, ”Bastardized, it is bastardized version of the technique that has been bastardized for a thousand times.”
Veena hummed in thought as she spoke, ”Well we can do nothing about the array.”
Nuwa had harrumphed as she spoke, ”Please stop talking about that abomination, we want to hurl at its sight and that part it looks as if someone had killed a fly and that idiot had copied it, it makes us feel sick.”
Celestia simply hid her smile behind the sleeves of her dress but she had already drawn everyone's attention as Nuwa spoke in an annoyed tone, ”What is it sister? What did you find so funny?”
”Nothing I was just reminded how similar Ryuu is too you whenever he sees some poorly done array, like that time remember when he made a man hundreds of years older than him cry from all the scolding he gave.”
Her words seemed like a small spark that set alight a forest as everyone broke into fits of giggle and laughter except Nuwa who was busy blushing hard.
A few minutes later, they had managed to control their humour as they once again focused on the problem at hand as Antariskh spoke with a heavy sigh, ”If that Blood God fellow had met with this idiot he would have committed suicide from shame.”
Shamiran nodded as she spoke, ”So true, the array is barely eight percent efficient, and improving it would be a chore and I am not so thrill on helping the trash.”