Chapter 511 - The roaring second (Part-5) (1/2)

Yamamoto jumped up from his seat as he tried to bow in front of the figure in front of him only to stop as the person raised her hand as she spoke, ”There is no need to bow Yamamoto we would like to remain a bit incognito as we spent time with our brother before we leave.”

Yamamoto gave a small nod of his head as Ryuu spoke with a slightly embarrassing smile, ”Advisor Yamamoto I am sorry I left without informing you first as well as leaving all the work on you.”​​

Yamamoto waved his hand off as he spoke, ”Please Your Highness you had an emergency but before that…”, Yamamoto trailed off he gave Ryuu a bow as he cupped his hand before he spoke, ”Congratulation Your Highness, on your ascending your tribulation.”

”Thank you Yamamoto, well I take my leave for now as I want to show Kuvosie to my eldest sister.”

Yamamoto gave a nod as Ryuu stepped out of his office along with Antariskh, who had half her face covered with a veil.

Yu Wu's eyes widen as she saw Ryuu and as such she quickly approached them as she spoke with a small bow, ”Good to have you boss and congratulation on your ascension.”

Ryuu sent a small smile to her as he spoke, ”I is good to be back and thank you.”

Ryuu then turned towards his sister as he spoke, ”Sister this is Yu Wu my deputy, a very hardworking woman who helps me a lot.”, he then turned towards Yu Wu as he spoke, ”Yu Wu this is my eldest sister.”

Yu Wu gave a small bow while her mind was working furiously as she tried to recall where she had seen the familiar face, her eyes widen momentarily as a certain realization struck her only for her to dismiss it.

'There is no way the Empress of Shangri-la would be here, she might be someone with strong resemblance to her, yeah of course why would boss be here in this place when such a big shot is his sister, but that women is so beautiful just like boss.'

Yu Wu quickly stole a glance at Ryuu as her cheeks coloured slightly at his sight.

'He seems even more handsome than before, handsome enough to cause riot in the streets.'

”I hope my brother is not causing too much problem.”

The melodious voice of Ryuu's sister brought Yu Wu out of her thoughts as she quickly waved her hand as she spoke, ”Of course not senior boss is very helpful and caring, and it is our honor working under him.”

Antariksh simply gave a small nod as Ryuu excused himself and left along with her leaving Yu Wu behind.

”Hey sis, are you using something that makes them ignore you.”

”Hmm, no I just made sure that my appearance will be slight altered when they looked at me and the rest well be simple, until and unless it is slapped on their face hard they will discard the thought that I might be the owner of the entire conglomerate because if I were why would I let someone, who is working at head of this place, as his sister.”

”I see so you are playing with their psychology basically, as the brain sometimes chooses falsehood over the truth as means to cope up with something that is borderline impossible.”

”True brother and now give me a tour of this place.”

Ryuu gave her a small smile as he escorted her through the many streets of Kuvosie while the news of him being spotted with an otherworldly beauty quickly spread around and it soon reached the ears of the members of the Vance clan, and as such without Yujie, who was busy meditating, the rest quickly made their way to the last known location of Ryuu.

Antariskh looked at the jade hairpin that her brother brought for her, the hairpin was nothing special made from pure jade not to mention it was made by a mortal, but the craftsmanship made even her slightly awestruck.

”It is very beautiful brother, truly a beautiful piece of art it is as if the crafter has poured their very heart and soul in order to make it.”

Ryuu beamed at her praise as he spoke, ”So true sister, and I was glad that I was able to spot such a marvelous piece of work.”

”Brother, help me put it on my hair.”

Ryuu gave a nod as he helped Antariskh fix her hair with the help of the newly acquired hairpin before she brought out a mirror and spoke with a soft smile on her face, ”This looks great.”

”Yes, sister it goes well with your hair color.”, As Ryuu spoke he bought another two for his other sisters as he paid double the price in appreciation for the craftsmanship.

”Ryuu if you wish to gift them those hairpin I suggest you hold onto them for now on and give them when you meet them next time.”

While Ryuu was busy buying and helping Antariksh with her hair a group of people had already arrived, a group that consisted of Ryuu's birth parents who were watching the interaction from afar.

Fang narrowed his eyes as he spoke, ”That woman seems close to Ryuu, do you think they might be involved with each other.”

Sabine growled as she spoke, ”I will have to have a chat with that woman about her involvement with my son.”

Jacklin meanwhile simply frowned as she spoke, ”She is so beautiful.”

Sabine sighed as she spoke, ”There are many cultivation techniques out there that can make any woman devastatingly beautiful.”, her face darkened momentarily as she whispered lowly, ”But woman who are usually cultivating in such method are definitely of not good breeding.”

Ryuu sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke, ”Why did they have to appear here?”

Antariksh simply smiled as she spoke, ”This is their home so of course they will be here just like ant from an ant hill.”

Ryuu gave a nod of acknowledgement but he could spot a hidden annoyance in Antariskh eyes, and after spending his entire life around them he could easily spot their mood change and even if Antariskh did an excellent job of hiding it, Ryuu was able to spot the annoyance bubbling inside of his elder sister making him clench his fist.

'Sister was so happy to spend some time with me but their arrival ruined my sister's mood, I do not know the exact reason for it but I would not hesitate to wring their necks and…'