Chapter 510 - The roaring Second (Part-4) (1/2)

”Normally the next level after Celestial realm is Yin Lord after that Yang Lord, then Yin-Yang Lord, Jade Emperor, Ancestral Immortal, High God, Elder God, Empyrean God, DaoFather, that is all you have to know for now.”

Ryuu gained a small frown upon hearing the stages before he looked towards Nuwa as he spoke, ”Teacher you said normally so does that mean there are other levels that do not appear normally.”

Nuwa gave a nod as she spoke with a smile, ”You have noticed correctly, there is another stage that is in between Empyrean God and DaoFather, and it is called Spirit Lord, a level that cultivators can skip and move directly to DaoFather realm.”

Ryuu frowned as he spoke, ”I see, but there must be some kind of catch otherwise why would there be an extra level that you can simply skip.”

Nuwa gave a nod as she continued, ”The catch is if you complete that level then the future level will be much faster that you would have done without it, more importantly if you face some problem you can always give up and move to higher realm any time you want to, it does not matter whether you are in the second rank or the fifth you can move up anytime you want to.”

”So should I skip it?”

Nuwa shook her head as she spoke, ”No Ryuu, you will not skip that stage, we forbid you from doing it, you will undergo all the stages then undergo the tribulation before moving to the next stage.”

Veena gave a nod as she spoke, ”I concur with Nuwa, there are many who skip just before they reach ninth rank in fear of facing the tribulation but you will do no such thing, you will complete the entire thing and then transcend the tribulation to reach the DaoFather realm.”

Celestia sighed as she spoke, ”You two instead of telling him you forbid may be you should explain why, why do you wish for him to work on a realm that is often called as a pseudo-realm, a realm that many advices to skip, but most importantly he is very far away from that realm.”

Both of his teachers blushed in slight embarrassment as Veena spoke with a slight cough, ”Ryuu the reason we are vehemently asking you to do so is because if you successful pass through the pseudo-realm then there is boost in cultivating speed at first it would be barely noticeable but as move to higher realms it would be more prominent, take Antariksh for example.”

With that, she turned towards Antariksh as she spoke, ”How long did it take you to increase by a single rank.”

Antariskh frowned for a moment in deep thought as she spoke, ”I think it took me seven and a half million years approximately.”

Veena gave her a nod as she spoke, ”And you would have done much faster if you had not been stuck with your job.”

Antariksh simply gave a nod as Veena spoke while looking towards Ryuu, ”Even after saying that she would still need more time than it would take a person to reach from simple mortal to a peak Mystic Immortal Emperor, but if she had skipped that pseudo-realm then it would have taken her a hundred times more time easily even if all she did was to cultivate every moment of her time.”

Ryuu frowned as he spoke, ”I see.”

Only for his frown to disappear as Maheswara spoke with a smile on his face, ”Well Ryuu there is no need to worry about it, after all it would be a long time before you will reach that stage.”

Ryuu would have agreed to his words except he had gained a sour look as he spoke, ”That may be so teacher but what if 'She' forces my development once again.”

A shiver ran down Ryuu's spine as he had the sudden urge to hide under the table, but unfortunately, he was not only frozen from fear but the air became so heavy that he was a hard time breathing.


The shout instantly released the pressure as Maheswara spoke with anger in his voice, ”Control yourself I know you are all excited because of today's events but there is no excuse for all of you to act as such, control your aura there is someone here who cannot withstand it or did you all forget that.”

Being chastised his family found them wracked with guilt as Maheswara turned towards Ryuu with a concerned look on his face, and upon seeing Ryuu still sitting ramrod he snapped his finger making Ryuu gasp for breath.

”Are you alright child?”

Ryuu was unable to answer as he was busy taking a deep gulp of air while holding to the side of the table to keep him from collapsing while his body was trembling uncontrollably.

Maheswara quickly went by his side as he gently rubbed his back as he spoke in a soothing voice, ”Okay okay, just take some deep breath, do you wish to go back to your room.”, All he received was a small shaky nod as Maheswara left along with Ryuu but not before glaring at the rest of his family.

As the duo disappeared Sylvana sighed as she spoke, ”I have never seen father so angry in a very long time.”

Her words earned her a harsh glare from Shamiran who spoke with a look of guilt on her face, ”Of course he would after all we almost killed our baby brother because we were agitated.”

Antariskh stood up as she spoke with a sigh, ”I do not have any more appetite I have some work to do.”, her eyes then fell on Veena as she spoke, ”Mother will you be checking him up.”

Veena gave a nod as she spoke, ”Yes, after you father has managed to calm him down I will.”, she then let out a long sigh as she spoke, ”I am so ashamed of myself that I cannot even begin to speak.”

Antariksh sighed as she spoke, ”Don't worry it would be fine I have some work to do and faster I finish the faster I can begin planning the ceremony.”, her eyes then fell on her two sisters as she spoke, ”Will you join me.”

Both Sylvana and Shamiran gave a nod as they stood up following after their eldest sister as Veena called out to them, ”Remember you can meet and plan with Ryuu only if he is ready to do so.”, the trio of sisters only gave a nod as they left.