Chapter 509 - The roaring second (part-3) (1/2)

Antariskh narrowed her eyes as she studied the structure in front of her as she spoke, ”If I remember correctly something like this was in his report when he came back from Eden.”

Sylvana gave a nod as she spoke, ”Yes in the fifteenth floor right, so what should we do?”

Maheswara shrugged as he spoke while critically looking at the petals of the lotus flower, ”We wait for him to finish, though this petals seems to be made up of KI and Dao itself, so amazing.”

Celestia meanwhile had a frown on her face as she spoke, ”You know I have read about this phenomenon somewhere but I cannot remember it where, I will have to recheck my library but I doubt it is there after all I remember everything stored in the library word by word.”

Veena sent a curious glance towards her sister-wife as she spoke, ”Do you think it is harmful?”

Celestia shrugged as she spoke, ”I have no idea, as I said I have read it somewhere in the passing and as for it being harmful well for now it seems this thing is good for him.”

Nuwa gave a nod as she spoke, ”We concur with her, for now it is a good thing and as long as Ryuu is not forced up another few levels we are okay with it.”

The group did not have to wait much longer as the giant lotus finally blossomed and in the midst of it sat Ryuu, suddenly the lotus disintegrated into mist before it entered Ryuu's body as he opened his eyes and took a deep breath, a moment later he let out a cheer as he shouted out, ”I passed the tribulation.”

Those words had him surrounded by his loved ones each sporting a look of happiness that was not lower than him by any means.

The army of Ayindril that had surrounded the planet slowly returned back to their stations while Ryuu had already departed for Ayindril along with his teachers and their family, and as they reached Ayindril Ryuu found him sitting in front of Veena who was giving him a thorough check-up.

”Hmm, your body has gone refinement wonderfully, your bones, your internal organs all of them have been refined well, now let me see you blood.”

With that Veena cut open his palm drawing blood, but unlike before his blood was no longer red but it was metallic bronze in colour which seemed to please Veena immensely.

”Wonderful, do you remember what you have been taught about Celestial realm.”

Ryuu nodded as he spoke, ”Celestials are True Immortals as they do not die from the ravages of time.”

Veen nodded with a smile as she spoke, ”Excellent, now you have refined your body perfectly and your blood has transformed into low level bronze Ichor of superior quality, good extremely good.”

Ryuu frowned as he spoke, ”Teacher I have not read about the Ichor thing much can you tell me about it.”

Veena nodded as she began to speak, ”When someone becomes Celestial they undergo monumental change, their body completely undergoes refinement which result in some major changes one of them being the change in their blood, which is now called as Ichor, and changing the blood to Ichor is a delicate and difficult process to begin with.”

Ryuu frowned as he spoke, ”If it is difficult then surely many have failed, but then what happens to them? Will they revert back to Mystic Immortal Emperor Level?”

Veena shook her head as she spoke, ”No child, they will not, as even if the fail all they will have to do is to refine their blood to have at least thirty percent Ichor or they will not be able to reach the next level, and the process if painful as well as tiring, something I do not think you would like at all.”, she finished with a smirk on her face as Ryuu blushed from embarrassment.

Veena's face gained a serious look as she continued again, ”Your blood is completely bronze meaning that it has been completely refined, and if it were not so then it would be something in between red and bronze.”

Ryuu frowned as he spoke, ”I have killed many Celestials but I do not seem to recall if their blood color was different or not it might be because of the heat of battle that I have not paid much attention to it.”

”That is not good Ryuu, you should be more vigilant and observant.”

Ryuu simply gave a nod as Veena spoke, ”Is there anything else you wish to ask?”

Ryuu shook his head as Celestia was by his side as she spoke with a curious tone in her voice, ”By the way Ryuu how did it feel inside that lotus.”

Ryuu frowned hard which in turn made his listeners a bit wary before he spoke, ”Sorry teacher the feeling is so great that I do not have any words to describe it, it feels so great, it is thousand times better than the warm blanket in cold as such if it had not ended by itself I doubt I would have been able to get out of it, as I said it is thousand times better than warm bed during the winter.”, Ryuu gained a dejected look on his face as he spoke, ”I wish I knew how it worked.”

Maheswara frowned as he spoke, ”If you had managed to understand its workings it might have been the best invention like in forever, a thousand times better than the warm bed in the winter, just this thoughts gives me goosebumps.”

Ryuu gained an extremely serious look on his face as he spoke, ”Teacher one day I will uncover its secret and definitely share it with you.”

Maheswara face lit up as he spoke with a bark of laughter, ”I am so proud of you my boy, you will definitely go very far.”

Ryuu beamed at him for receiving the praise while his wives simply deadpanned at him as Veena spoke with a shake of her, ”You are hopeless, I know you are lazy but do not infect Ryuu with your laziness.”

Celestia sighed as she spoke, ”Sister just give up Ryuu has already been corrupted by him.”