Chapter 412 - Sneaking Past (Part-2) (1/2)

”With the help of Daoist Brother Iolranth of Deva realm, Sister VanishingShadow and Brother BlackThorne by risking their life and soul have managed to gather information about the location of Preta Realm cultivators' camps.”

”Of all the camps this camp on the east side of the gate to the seventh level is not only the lowest in number but at the same time it is the nearest, according to their information there are seven cultivators from the Deva realm kept as hostage amongst them.”

”The entire group of cultivators from Preta Realm can be divided into three factions, they are each led by Devil Emperor Jethrar, Devil Empress Ithrura, Devil Emperor Zikris and since Brother Ryuu has already killed Devil Emperor Zikris, his group is now being divided and assimilated into the other two groups, as such their group is in a state of chaos and as such I believe it would be a good idea to attack that small group now.”.

As Chianyu finished his presentation, Ryuu smiled inwardly at that, 'Chianyu needs a projector and laser pointer and then he would have been perfect.'

”Brother Chianyu”, Frost Flames spoke while drawing attention towards her as she continued in her usual cold manner, ”What is the strength of this group?”

Chianyu acknowledged her with a nod as he spoke, ”From what our esteemed fellow cultivators have managed to gather, the camp is around thirteen hundred in strength.”

As he spoke the numbers the group broke into furious discussions, as Chianyu spoke trying to calm them down, ”Please be silent.”, as silence descended in the cavern, Chianyu spoke again, ”I know many of you have many questions so for the time being please calm down and let Brother Elmer inform you all about the plan.”

Elmer gave a small bow towards Chianyu as he spoke, ”Thank you Brothers Chianyu for the wonderful summarization of the situation, now what we are about to do is….”

As he droned on about the plan Ryuu turned him off, 'I hate such meetings they are so boring.'

As he lost his attention at the meeting his mind wandered back to his latest dream that he had, since he had received 'Genesis' these dreams have been more and more frequent, sometimes he had the same dream but sometimes it was different like the dream he had when he was sleeping 'ahem' meditating after the fight.

It felt so nice, and warm as the small child opened his eyes he was greeted by the smiling face of the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen, and she was smiling down at him, her black hair cascading down like a waterfall, amongst them were red strands of hair that looked like blood being mixed, the person looked at him with relief as she spoke, ”That was some wakening of your Divine Body, I have never seen something like that….”, as the woman rambled on and on the child tilted his head in confusion.

The woman blushed at that as she spoke, ”Ahh, where are my manners, my name is.....”

Ryuu never heard the name as every time he was forced to wake up and left wondering but then the latest dream was a bit different.

The child hid behind the woman as they were surrounded by angry people, bigger than those 'meanie' as the child was calling his attackers and they were dangerous and angrier than the bear who was always covered in fire, and it scared him.

”Surrender yourself and that demon behind you woman, if you know what is good for you.”

The woman in question simply laughed at the man, a sound that the child found to be extremely pleasant for some reason.

”Really and if I don't what will you do suck on your thumb and throw a tantrum, get lost you are scaring my disciple.”

The child watched in wonder as the big 'meanie's' face turned purple as he bellowed in anger, ”How dare you wrench speak to me like that, I am…..”

”A nobody in some backwater and unimportant region of the universe that no one would care, now stop whining and SCRAM!!”

Later on, the child would learn some very important things like what is a 'teacher' and what does the word 'disciple', but most importantly for the first someone, he would receive his name.

The woman who called herself as his teacher kneeled in front of him as she gave a small pat on his head as she spoke, ”Every child deserves a name as such I would call you…..”