Chapter 411 - Sneaking Past (Part-1) (1/2)

Ithrura looked at what was the last known location of Zikris as she sighed, ”This place does not look like as if a cataclysm had taken place, I can still taste the Rain Sword's KI, and even though he is not here I am feeling goosebumps all over my body.”

Jethrar looked a bit troubled as he looked at the result of the battle, the place looked as if a cataclysm had taken place, the ground was melted, frozen in places, then looked as if lightning had struck the area and from what Ithrura had said there were faint traces of poison used as well, he looked at the deep trenches on the soil, 'Must be from his sword-based attacks, I saw him pull out a spear then a bow, but unfortunately how he did he fare against Zikris, whether he fought him single-handedly just as he had said he would or used others help is unknown and I hate unknown, but most importantly where is the body of Zikris, I can have some use for him after I repair him and add him to my collection.'

”We found Lord Zikris's ashes.”, his musings were cut short when one of his subordinates informed him of their recent findings.

The duo quickly moved towards the resting place of Zikris and they were greeted with the signs of still-smouldering ashes and from the initial inspection it turned out to be that of Zikris.

Ithrura cast a glance towards Jethrar as she spoke, ”After the orb broke it took us five minutes to reach this place and in that amount of time, Rain sword not only dealt with Zikris but he left with others as well, we do not know how the fight went nor do we know anything about his fighting styles, his weaknesses so do you still think you can defeat him easily.”

Jethrar waved his hand dismissing her concern as he spoke, ”A minor setback, after all, what can he do against such large numbers, it was minor setback nothing more nothing less, and no matter how strong and skilled he is, we will overwhelm him with our superior numbers easily.”

Ithrura frowned at his words as she spoke, ���He is tricky, you should not underestimate him, and he did not get some high bounty just like that.”

Jerthrar narrowed his eyes as he spoke, ”What got you so spooked about him?”

Ithrura narrowed her eyes as she looked at Zikris as she spoke with a frown on her face, ”Zikris had the blood of Fiendgod in his veins, he controlling fire was as easy as breathing for him, not to mention his immunity towards the fire, yet he was turned to ash, his body could take a beating so how did he die? What caused his death? There are so many questions but we do not have any answers to it.”

Jerthrar quietly listened to her as he nodded in agreement as he spoke, ”Did you find out how he managed to detect that we were spying on him.”

Ithrura snarled as she spoke with anger in her voice, ”I have no idea and I do not like it.”

Jerthrar bit his lips as he spoke with a frown, ”For once I am in agreement I do not like it.”

Meanwhile, Ryuu was sitting with his back against the wall, while others had surrounded him, he simply wanted to lie down and rest, his body was suffering from bouts of pain yet he had to put up a smile and speak with others.”

”Brother Ryuu, I have a question?”

A sentence that made Ryuu groan inwardly, 'I have been answering 'a question' after question, I am getting annoyed is this some kind of torture technique!', he somehow managed to ask with a smile on his face, ”What is it, fellow Daoist brother?”

”Zikris had a bounty right?”, Ryuu nodded at that wondering where he was going to as the questioner continued to speak, ”So how do you collect it?”

”Well the best way is to bring proof of their death and the best proof is to bring their dead body or parts of their body like head.”

Many of his listeners were listening attentively when one of them spoke with a frown, ”But you did not take his head or his body, he was worth Five Deva Crystals.”

Ryuu nodded at that as he spoke, ”Yes I know but I am not too fond of carrying dead bodies in my space ring and also it is Five 'Low' Grade Deva Crystals.”

The same person who gawked at him in disbelief as Ryuu with a sigh, ”Did you all not bag lots of Plaesten already? You have enough to get a good few Deva crystals.”

Devaraj frowned as he spoke, ”Ryuu how much do they pay you in the army?”