Chapter 330 - Assassination (Part-1) (1/2)

Zywia quickly guided Ryuu into a large tree a part of which was hollowed out, they climbed up the tree which was at least 1000 feet tall and was at least wide 100 feet wide, as they entered the hollowed part of the tree Ryuu inspected it as he spoke a small smile, ”It is perfect.”

Upon entering Ryuu quickly began working in securing their hideout every inch of the entrance was covered by Array, ranging from detection, to detain, to killing as well as camouflage and misdirection array as he finished placing everything he looked at the entrance proudly as he turned to face Zywia who was looking at him with wide eyes as she spoke, ”Big brother had once told me that the array you create is an work of art, now I see that he was not overstating it, in fact a understating it by a lot.”

Ryuu upon hearing fought off the urge to roll his eyes in exasperation, after all Cezary was a big time fan of Pangu, well big time would have a small word if he had been living in his previous world with Pangu alive he would have been thrown into jail for stalking and other illegal stuffs certain rabid fans might do, he instead gave a small smile as he spoke, ”Well I have done nothing extraordinary there are others who are thousand times better.”

As an uncomfortable silence descended upon them Ryuu tried to but could not find anything with which he could break the ice, Zywia who was facing similar situation suddenly stumble upon an idea as she spoke with a smile, ”So what would you have done if you had not found the shelter?”

Ryuu gave a small smile as he spoke, ”Well I have brought an expandable mansion, and inside which I will be spending my time in whether it be inside or outside a shelter.”

Zywia tilted her head as she spoke curiously at that, ”Are you not being ridiculously paranoid.”

Ryuu gave a small chuckle as he spoke, ”It is not about being paranoid it is about making sure that at the end of the day I am the one who is standing alive and not the other around, and if you want I have plenty of room in my mansion so you are welcome to stay.”

Zywia gave a small smile full of relief as he nodded in acceptance, when she left her home she left in hurry and have missed a few things one of the is grabbing something that might provide shelter for her as such it was a huge relief for her.

Meanwhile outside the Eden Saidhal and Zarina were having the worst time of their life and Zarina was inconsolable, after searching high and low they all have come to the conclusion that Zywia has truly entered Eden and there is nothing they could do about it except wait for her return and considering the place where she had entered even a peak level Mystic Immortal Emperor/Empress die very easily it would be difficult for her to survive let alone stay alive all they could do is hope that she returns back in one piece safe and sound.

Antarilsh rubbed Zarina's back in order to comfort her as their other friends had joined as soon as they had heard the news, Cezary had arrived a few minutes prior and felt himself out of place in front of his parents' friends as he stood near the corner he listened to various conversation amongst them and he perked up hearing Ryuu's name, as such with a small smile as if most of the problem had been solved he spoke, ”If Ryuu is there I can at least guarantee that sister would be saved.”

Saidhal hid his face in embarrassment, he was partly to blame for Cezary's behavior he had filled his head with stories of Pangu he had hoped that his son would grow up to be as honorable as Cezary but what he had managed to achieve was make him worship the ground on which Pangu worked and now that worship had somehow shifted towards Ryuu because he had the same Divine Body as Pangu.

Saidhal send a small glare as he spoke, ”Cezary if you have nothing useful to say you may return to your office.”

Cezary raised his hand in a surrendering position seeing his father's angry and frustrated look as he spoke, ”Father you do not know him as I do as such I can tell you that he is more than capable of protecting Ryuu and he is incredible strong, strong enough to even combat a 2nd level Celestial easily, I have heard that he took down a Celestial that others within his level was having difficulty with, as such I believe he is strong enough to protect sister.”

Sylvana snorted at that as she spoke, ”Nephew you have lot to learn just strength does not make you invincible and as for Ryuu he might be able to defeat a low level Celestial but with enough planning he can be easily dealt with but most importantly you are missing the point, what chances does they have of coming across each other.”

Cezary blushed at that as he spoke, ”I know that there is very low chances of them coming across, but if by chance they do I know that Ryuu is honorable enough not to let her move unprotected and he will do his best to protect her.”