Chapter 329 - Entering into the unknown(Part-2) (1/1)
Ryuu looked at the body carefully as he inspected the body he frowned, 'This fellow did not die because he failed to stabilize himself any half baked cultivator could do that but this fellow had died much longer before he had even reached the ground and from poison but how did he die? It is unfortunate that I cannot find out how he was poisoned the body is so mangled up.', his musing was cut short as he found a small almost unnoticeable broken needle which was melting away slowly, Ryuu tilted his head as he picked it up as he carefully studied it before he swallowed it, for a few seconds Ryuu's face scrunched up before his face lit up a bit with joy, 'Wow what a vicious fellow using Nine Nether Realms bird's blood as a base to concoct the poison, its blood is antithesis for anyone whose KI has even a hint of yang in it causing the spirit branches to self destruct and causing a horrible death that explains why he is so heavily injured, and damn it tastes like a carbonated drink I can understand why big sis Shamiran prefers any poison that has a hint of Nine Nether Realm bird's blood in it. '
Ryuu had always felt grateful to his teachers for making him resistant to poison from such a young age, poisons whose single drop can wipe out cities is nothing to him, although there plenty that can kill him in a second but the one he ingested was not even remotely close to give him diarrhea, and now he wanted to find the user and exchange recipe after all it might be a good gift to his 3rd oldest sister who is coincidently a poison connoisseur. The thought about her made him sad, she was extremely poisonous to the point that she had to hold back her power so that she might not accidently kill others just by her breath and as such is forced to spend most of her time inside a pocket dimension in solitude, only her parents and siblings to some extent dare to spend time with her and one day he would do as well, but even after being immune to poison and being poisonous herself Jose had concocted one that would have killed her and senior Megara took the blow meant for her and protected her, just shows how vast the world is and how small he is.
Ryuu quickly checked for any useful item on the dead body before he left hurriedly from the scene as he left he used a special incenses that masked his scent completely, 'This grasses taller than houses is the perfect hunting ground of predators and I do not wish to fight someone just yet and the body is like a giant invitation for all you can….'
Ryuu's inner musing was cut short as he heard a few noices and upon peering from behind the tall grass he was thunderstruck, 'What is that? How is ….', he was shocked because in front of him were ants as big as an a.d.u.l.t human, ants so big he had never seen nor had he heard about any such ants before as such he wisely made himself scarce from that place.
Ryuu tried to go up towards the sky only for him to quickly seek shelter behind a grass and stick close to the ground as he was greeted by a giant bird, a thunder hawk to be exact bigger that a mansion fighting against a trio of cultivators and slaughtering them.
Normally Ryuu would have helped them but he was not eager to help someone who had been fighting in a rather foolish and suicidal manner using all sorts of attacks that were giving elemental superiority to the hawk something was not right for any experienced cultivator as such Ryuu deduced that a third party was involved and he had did not want to draw someone's attention whom he had no idea where he or she had been hiding.
Ryuu watched as the Thunder hawk did a quick work of the trio who seemed to have finally regained their wit but was too injured to do anything, Ryuu watched as they were killed one by one, only for the beast to be killed by arrival of a duo of cultivators who made a short work of it.
”Those idiots did not know what hit them brother, trusting strangers and accepting our food and drink from strangers their greed was their downfall.”
”Kukuku, told you that hallucinogenic substance is other worldly, now move fast who knows which creature was drawn by this imbecile's fight.”
As the duo began stripping the dead and cutting the creature of the magnificence and storing it away, the duo one looking like a middle aged thug and the other was a lanky fellow, the middle aged person opened his mouth to speak only for a dagger to erupt from his mouth and accompanied by three more which pierced through his brain, heart and dantian quickly killing him, upon his death the other was shocked for a few seconds but before he could react his head was removed from his shoulder.
Ryuu stood behind them as he removed the beast essence and nucleus a very important ingredient for alchemy before he left quickly from the place but not before taking their space bags with him, a decision that turned out to be a wise one as he left a huge monstrous figure appeared and upon seeing the bodies it happily began feasting on the corpses, while Ryuu thought about the space bag that was with him, 'I will have to find a shelter before I even attempt to search the contents.'
Ryuu moved through the tall grass with as much precaution as possible not to draw the attention any dangerous creatures or cultivators, when he suddenly spotted a woman in bottle green dress, a woman he was well acquainted with, it was none other than Zywia.
Zywia had always wanted to surpass her parents, her older brother as such she had always tried hard to step out of their shadows, she knew that her parents as well as her older brother adored her to the point that they would put the hands on the ground for her to walk on them and that is what she despised as such when the Eden reappeared it provided her with a golden opportunity placed on a silver platter as such she level 6th Mystic Immortal Empress had sneaked out from her home and had appeared here in order to participate.
Ryuu sneaked behind her as he leaned to the tall grass before he coughed trying to draw her attention and it was fairly successful as he had to dodge a flurry of deadly palm strike as he quickly raised his hand in order to signify his surrender as he spoke quickly, ”Wah calm down Zywia it is me Ryuu.”
Zywia finally stopped before she spoke with a huff, ”Ryuu I am sorry for attacking you like that but I should also point out that you should not sneak behind me.”
Ryuu looked abashed at that as he let out a nervous chuckle as he spoke, ”Well sorry about that but I was surprised upon seeing you participate, if I had known about it I would have teamed up with you.”, before he looked at her with a look full of expectation, ”You will accept m as your teammate won't you?”
Zywia was slightly taken aback as she spoke with a smile, ”Of course I would but I could not help but wonder are you alone?”, Zywia would not confess but she was a tad bit intimidated by all the cultivators there was hardly anyone below the peak level and she might be the weakest person here and having Ryuu someone her family as well as her older brother trusted was a nice bonus she would not passing.
Ryuu sighed as he spoke, ”Yes I am alone and now I am glad that I have at least someone trustworthy looking after my back.”, he finished with a small smile at that but inwardly he frowned, 'Zywia if I last remember was only a level 6th Mystic Immortal Empress and I so do not think her family would allow her to be here, and if she were to die on my watch I would not be able to not only face my teachers or older sisters let alone her parents and her older brother and I am glad she decided to team up with me.'
Ryuu gave a small smile at that as he spoke, ”Well it was nice and all but I believe that the night is approaching and we should find shelter.”
Zywia nodded at that as she spoke, ”A nice idea in fact I just know the place follow me.”