306 Duehiri part-1 (1/2)

Ryuu let out a deep breath as white smoke was released from his mouth, he was wearing only shorts showcasing his well sculpted body something he knew even the most handsomest man in his old world would see their organs to gain even the tenth of what his body was, he knew it and was damned proud of it. The dragon tattoo on his back formed all those years ago when he first started to cultivate was exposed to the world for everyone to see.

A knock on his door had indicated the arrival of a messenger as such he quickly put a robe on himself as he went to open the door, he knew what effect he had on female and some male as such it would not be wise for him to open his door bare-chested like that, as he opened the door he was greeted by a messenger who spoke to him in a reverent tone as he stammered out, ”Go-go-good Morning Captain, the M-M-Major has asked for you to jo-jo-join the briefing room within an hour.”, as the person spoke Ryuu noticed that his eyes glazed over slightly.

Ryuu nodded at that as he spoke, ”Thank you for the message now you may return to your duties.”, as he spoke he frowned inwardly at that, 'Tch, another weak willed idiot I hate them.'

Ryuu sighed at that, it had been a couple of decades since he had joined the army and has moved from just a Second Lieutenant to Captain he had some of the best moments as well as worst moments in his life but the experience was something he would never give up for anything in this world.

As he got dressed in his armor his eyes wondered to his right arm near his shoulder, a mark of a Phoenix with sword and spear in each of it talons were shown, with the word 139th tattooed under it 'Till Death', he was a proud member of the 139th battalion and earned his mark when he was allowed to join the real group not the reserve group who often are called 'Fake Decoys' behind their back.

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As Ryuu went towards the briefing room, he came across his fellow colleague 'Siri', one of his closest friends as he spoke, ”Yo Siri wassup?”

Siri gave him a glare as she spoke, ”We are on duty Captain Ryuu act as such.”

Ryuu showed her his incredible maturity by showing her his tongue causing her to grumble even further, as another person let out a loud boisterous laugh as he spoke, ”Siri you should learn to enjoy the little things instead of always being angry for no reason whatsoever.”

Siri huffed at that as Ryuu spoke with a small smile, ”So how is your family doing Ryan?”

The person in question was in cloud nine as he spoke, ”Oh you could not believe I now have twins as my grandchildren, they are so adorable and…..”, as he went on in tirade over his grandchildren, Ryuu gave at talisman to Siri as both of them activated it preventing any words to be heard from their colleague thus saving their ear drums to be destroyed by a hyper Grandpa boasts about being a grandfather.

The trio entered the along with the giddy Ryan with a polite knock, as they went inside they each took a seat, well Siri and Ryuu did where as Ryan was busying regaling in the tales of his adorable grandchildren to anyone who had the misfortune to get caught in his crosshair.

As they sat there waiting for their superiors to enter Ryuu spoke to his friend Siri, ”So how did your Grandson's wedding go? And I want to apologize for failing to honor the invitation you gave me but unfortunately I was required in different place due to military duties.”