305 Zunge Der Wahrheit Part-2 (1/2)

Cezary drummed his desk with his finger hard, as his eyes wondered into the distance, he would not say it out loud but he was afraid, afraid of his parents disappointed looks when he will say to them that because of his foolish actions an alliance that existed since his parents childhood, will now be torn apart he cringed at the thought of it, yup his parents would not be happy, but he will have to warn them. Cezary snorted as he mused, 'What kind of idiot does he think I am, Ryuu's masters already claim him as their legacy which means he is basically their son in all but blood so even if Ryuu screams and shouts his masters do not care for him out of pity but because they love and care for him I hope he gets it in his head before long.'

He stood up from his seat as he made his way to his parents' mansion, not before taking some deep breaths and getting himself ready to meet his doom.

Later on that day Antariskh returned back to Ayindril with a stormy look on her face her aura flaring causing many to steer clear of her by quite a good distance, she entered her room before she plopped herself on bed as she stared on to the ceiling, she felt extremely angry as well as deep sadness in her heart.

A knock at her door drew her attention as she found rest of her family near the door with a concerned look on their face as she spoke while sitting up from her bed, ”Hello, what are you all doing here?”

Maheswara frowned as he spoke, ”Child I should be the one asking you not the other way round, is something wrong you looked a bit stressed out.”

Antariskh let out a tired sigh as she spoke, ”No nothing the treaty we hand with Saidhal was on the verge of breaking because of a stupid idiot of a son of his.”

Veena looked at her curiously as she took a seat near her daughter's bed as she spoke, ”How so?”

Antariksh growled as she replied to her, ”Well you see the idiot Cezary came across Ryuu's file in the army thought him to be a phony and tried to interrogate him by mixing 'Zunge Der Wahrheit' with his drink, without asking for his prior permission and Ryuu caught him in the act.”

Veena had a proud smirk on her face as she spoke, ”Of course Ryuu would see through something as pesky as 'Zunge Der Wahrheit', so what happened?”

Antariksh, ”Well not much I reprimanded Cezary severely and from the looks of it so did his parents, I was this much away from breaking the alliance as Ryuu seems to have already broken their friendship.”

Nuwa nodded at that as she spoke with a snarl, ”As he should do in such a situation, what kind of friend drugs someone like that he did a good thing by breaking off the friendship.”, something others nodded with support.

Shamiran sighed at that, 'Damn here I was hoping him to get a good friend but it seems his luck is bad.' she cleared her throat drawing others attention towards her as she spoke, ”What are the terms of negotiation?”

Antariskh sighed as she spoke, ”Well you see Saidhal and his wife approached me, with their son Cezary in tow, it was from them that I learned what had happened and if they were not our childhood friends I would have killed that mongrel then and there for trying to betray our brother like that. He was remorseful and his parents incredibly angry at him, they wanted to make up with Ryuu but I said that if nad only if Ryuu himself reconcile will he become his friend again but as long as he does not Cezary will have to act as a stranger to him nothing more nothing less.”

Sylvana nodded at that as she spoke, ”That is acceptable and did they offer something?”

Antariksh nodded at that as she spoke, ”Well they were incredibly ashamed and in order to atone they even wanted to betroth their daughter to Ryuu, which I declined immediately.”