69 The Top Floor (1/1)

Long Yu at that moment was already looked as if he was prostrating in front of the stone tablets, the pressure emitted by them was so huge that it was difficult for him to even breathe, his vision started to get blurry it felt like that time when he foolishly tried to swim against the stream, against the stream!!!!!!!, he just wanted to bang his head now how stupid he was, he quickly changed his tactics instead of fighting against it he decided to go with the flow as such he relaxed his body as he laid on the ground face down before closing his eyes and let himself drift with the current this time.

After a few moments the tablets gave a red glow which unnoticed as by then Long Yu who had his eyes closed but was in a more comfortable position than before as he instead of fighting against the pressure emitted from the tablet went with the flow.

Long Yu soon found himself standing in front of an of old man who was sitting under a tree meditating, he tried to call out to him but he found him unable to do show he could not move he could not speak he could only see hear and feel, he was panicking he did not know what to do. When all of a sudden a large army of denizens attacked him their aura darkened the sky the heavens trembled the earth shattered it looked like an apocalypse but Long Yu did not feel fear in fact he was fascinated by it, the power displayed by them, the feeling to be one day be as strong as those people rose from within yet all of it stopped as the old man opened his eyes before he raised his right hand and tapped on his forehead. Long Yu watched in awe as another eye appeared on his forehead, the eye opened all of a sudden it was completely black with red pupil, Long Yu squinted trying to decipher the patters of what seemed to be like an array rotating around the pupil and he no matter how much he tried could not make out what the array meant as it appeared blurry to him. The opponent army shouted out something towards the old man, who just replied with a faint kind smile, and as the army launched their attacks, the world seemed to have stopped all of a sudden and as well as drained of every color except the black and white startling Long Yu. He watched with fascination as a black light was released from the third eye of the old man as it traveled through the sky it seemed to Long Yu as if someone had taken up a brush and drew a black line with a swift stoke as if wanting to divide the sky in two. The black light struck the army so fast that they could not dodge it, the light vanished as fast as it arrived but the army was nowhere to be seen it had vanished. Before he could contemplate what he saw a chill ran down his spine as he saw the old man looking towards him with the same kind smile he gave towards the enemy army he gulped hard as he saw the third eye pulsating as it glared at him, he felt extremely uneasy as he felt the eye seemed to be looking directly at his soul as if judging him when all of a sudden it glowed and suddenly another black light appeared in the monochromatic world it raced towards Long Yu as it tried to consume all in its path and before he could react he was slammed by the light.

Pain so much pain he never felt in his short life as his world was enveloped into blackness, all he could do was taste feel and see pain inside the horrid blackness that enveloped him. He wanted to die to escape from the pain by biting his tongue but he could not move a single muscle, suddenly the pain shifted towards his forehead a pain much greater than what he felt erupted from his head, he felt as if someone had taken a spoon and now was trying to dig through his brain as he poured fire ice and what not, soon the pain stopped and he slipped into unconsciousness.

While everything was going on four silent figure stood watch over him, they saw as their young Prince got used to the pressure given by the tablet, and soon after a few minute he entered into a dream like state, he looked as if he had been sleeping when all of sudden he let out a blood curdling scream as his hands shot forward in order to gauge out his forehead. Those figures quickly held him down completely immobilizing him, as one of them struck couple of his/her finger in his mouth preventing him from biting his tongue to commit suicide, soon he started to spasm as foam mixed with blood escaped from his mouth and started to cry tears of blood as blood flowed freely from his nose. One of the hurriedly placed his/her hands as she went on to stabilize his heart and other vital organs and after what seemed to be an eternity he finally stopped spasming , the figures relaxed as they moved a little bit away from Long Yu who was now whimpering and curled into a ball. The figures watched as a eye shaped tattoo appeared on Long Yu's forehead before it changed into a thin vertical long line just at the middle of his forehead staring in between his brows as it went and touched his hairline.

One of the figure kneeled down as he/she touched Long Yu's forehead and array appeared on it glowing before it disappeared as well as the mark.

The figure stood up before it joined the others present in the room hiding in the shadows protecting Long Yu.

Meanwhile back in Ayindril,

Everyone watched with morbid silence as they watched Long Yu gaining one of the most coveted inheritance of the 'Nine headed Dragon' school, Xiao Xiao eyes sat with red puffy eyes watching her child sufferingso much. Everyone watched with critical eyes as they watched the entire interaction only to heave a sigh of relief when he successfully integrated with the technique.

Maheswara: ”A forbidden technique, Shamiran your people did a good job remember to award them handsomely, they did a good judgment by sealing the technique up for the time being, I do not believe Long Yu could invoke it without killing himself. ”

Shamiran nodded as she replied, ”I will be sure to remember to reward them handsomely father.”

Xiao Xiao after gaining control over her emotions could not help but ask out, ”I do not understand how a school no matter how strong it may be during its glory day hand out such coveted and strong technique to people who just joined.”

Veena just smiles at her, ”You are right sister, and the library only has techniques which are suitable up to Primal Daoists, it is meant only for Outer Sect Disciples, there are other libraries which are meant for Inner Sect Disciples, Core and even the staffs, but at the current level no participant is strong enough to reach their as the Array surrounding them only allows people of certain level to enter except they were permitted by the staff. Now the place where Ryuu visited was inside the private library of the Sect Head, that tablet was one of the reasons he was able to grow strong enough to create his own school, the Wojownik Cienia were instructed to teleport Ryuu without him being aware about it inside the private library of the sect head, if he could reach the top floor of the library so that he could learn the technique.”

Antariskh: ”The skill is a good one if he can learn it and use it properly he would be able to fight against people belonging to couple of higher realms than him easily. I have seen it usage first hand before it was beautiful.”

Celestia: ”Although it would be sometime before we even allow him to use the skill, current him is not strong enough to withstand the backlash he would suffer from just activating it let alone use it, so Nuwa when he arrives make sure to put a better array on him sealing the technique until he becomes strong enough to learn to use it.”

Nuwa: ”We were planning to.”

Meanwhile Xiao Xiao could just nod her head in amazement at prowess of the people of Ayindril.