68 The Library (1/1)

The next day long Yu's group got ready to leave for their second attempt to reach the library, then they planned to visit the Alchemy hall and array master hall. Just like last time they moved in the same pattern Ruth, Tina and Veronica scouted ahead while others followed after them Long Yu was tasked to keep an eye out for the 'Shadow Wraiths', as they moved towards the library signs of battle was visible some of them looked to have taken place ages ago while the others were more recent they saw skeletons and in some cases corpses of the recently deceased mixed in it.

Bashista: ”Since the fall of 'Nine headed Dragon School' many people have come to raid this place few have been successful. The band on your hand grants you clearance to enter higher level Skills and Techniques are stored inside the library but I would like warn that make sure the Skill or Technique you pick is not something that you are unqualified as some can even kill or cripple you so take your time and keep a calm mind as you judge skills suitable for you.”, although he made it sound like he was telling it to everyone present in his group but in actually he was reminding Long Yu to not be reckless again.

Long Yu readied himself as the library came into their sight, he still remember that when he visited the 'Library of Ayindril' for the first time, he still suffers nightmare because of it he does not know if he can take another building with surrounded by creepy looking statues that follows your every move, a shiver ran down his spine thinking about that.

Jack: ”Is there something wrong Long Yu, you kind of looking a bit tensed?”, he asked Long Yu curiously.

Long Yu gave a nervous smile as he spoke, ”HAHAHAHa what are you talking about me tense, what makes you think about that nobody is tense about some creepy statues in library, Hahahah.”

Everyone sweat dropped at that 'Seams like someone is afraid of statues used to decorate the library.' as he unintentionally blurted out his fear, what he did not notice was a malicious gleam in the twins eye.

The neared the library although the library itself was not damaged the outside was another matter it seemed to be like a battlefield with the signs of carnage and destructions.

Ruth whispered to lowly but all of them were able hear it perfectly, there were five teams currently in ambushing position but from what Bashista knew they were only waiting for those who were leaving for the library.

Tina: ”Remember that we are unable to bring stuff out of the library but copying from the library is different matter try to copy as much as possible.”, the others just nodded at that.

As they were about to enter the twins Jack and Jessie suddenly screamed in fear as they pointed towards a certain direction, ”Creepy statues running towards us.”, everyone was alarmed at first but no one reacted as much as Long Yu who gave out shout of fear as he closed his eyes as tears sprouted from them and having unsheathed his sword he used every kind of long ranged attack he could use towards that direction.

Kalin and his group was suffering from bad luck, he was the first one along with his group who arrived here and set up an ambush, but unfortunately following them came a few more groups who had followed their example to set up ambush like them, he wanted to give them a piece of his mind, 'Damn those copycats.', but he also realized that it is the duty of the person who are privileged to help those in needs thus he allowed them to stay here, even his followers were moved to tears hearing his reasons, 'and it had nothing to do with him to hear his followers praise him.', now those people started to ambush kill and steal from people but he did not move from his position as he did not wish to get into petty squabbles of those weaklings after all 'Good things happen to only those who are patient.', as such a gentleman like him would patiently wait and he would surely receive his rewards, and it had nothing to do with those people being so strong that they could beat him six ways to Sunday, no anyone who says it is a liar whose pants should be set on fire and he was good in using fire related techniques. After waiting for so long Kalin was awarded with a barrage of sword force fuelled attacks their shelter collapsed as they were buried under the rubble with great strength he somehow dug himself out of the rubble covered in dust looking like a ghost.

Long Yu took a deep huff after he used the barrage of attack surely the creepy statue would be defeated right, he opened his eyes as the dust settled down as he saw the creepy ghost lookalike statue standing tall without a scratch, his heart leaped up to his throat in fear, as he screamed out in fear as he ran inside the library.

To Long Yu's team it seemed as if he ran no he simply teleported inside the library as a loud screamed filled with fear entered their ears, ”Wpletely after the arrival of Ryuu, seeing his wives smile especially Nuwa again brought great warmth and joy to him. He swore to himself that as long as he was alive he would never fail Ryuu as he did with his son Pangu.