Chapter 194 - Day 1 of debutante party (1/2)

Diana's birthday is tomorrow, during the second day of debutante party, and usually a princess like her will currently go around, forming connection with noble merchant etc, you know, the usual political stuff, which is why

”You sure are excited...” [Ash]

”I am!” [Diana]

She's running away from her duty isn't she. Well, I won't blame her, I mean every single time I went to the castle, those nasty greedy eyes will look at me, plotting what they will do once they get their hands on me. Diana has it even tougher, she faces it every day throughout the year, and more so now, as those noble and royal, both from Estel and outside trying their best to form a connection with her, and of course, trying to make their son becoming closer to her. Man, she has it tough isn't she...

”Girl party out!” [Haliza]

”Well, there are one of us that isn't a girl” [Mira]

”Well, she did use me as an excuse to escape from the castle, so bear with me” [Ash]

”Thank you for becoming my scapegoat” [Diana]

”But, why am I here... I feel so out of place” [Liyana]

”Let just think of this as our job, escorting the princess” [Muse]

”So, Qis here isn't relevant?” [Alice]

”How rude!” [Qis]

”She's joking” [Rumia]

”I know that, but it hurt” [Qis]

”Sorry” [Alice]

(Glad thing haven't really change) [Linda]

Now, I am currently inspecting around the neighborhood area. Day 1, well, it's kinda like pre-festive day for the actual debutante party, and so, many stalls and attractions are being set up by the local around here. For example

”Princess! You finally came!” [Clothing shop aunty]

”I do. Don't want to miss taking a photo with all of you” [Diana]

”Then let us get ready” [Clothing shop aunty's son]

And the photo booth session begin, Diana sure is excited, keep on trying different types of clothes together with the aunty and her friends. Well, as long as they're happy, but

(Other also wanted a chance to take a photo with her, and it's obvious she couldn't do this all day) [Ash]

So, before thing go out of hand, I drag her away, but not without printing out different life size photo of her with different pose into board, that way, the other will have a chance of taking a photo ”together with the princess”.

”This is nice, in its own way” [Clothing shop aunty]

”I will come again later, so good bye for now, to all of you” [Diana]

And the crowd begin cheering. Well, she did want to garner support from the masses, so, it's a popular move to make, just that

”You're making an excuse to go out, didn't you” [Ash]

”You're my mentor in this kind of thing” [Diana]

”Excuse me... Alright, fine, you win!” [Ash]

So this must be how Diana felt like when I skip my work. I have learn my lesson

”Oh, you don't actually learn a single lesson, didn't you!” [Diana]

”Very perceptive of you” [Ash]

Yup, I actually don't. Moving on to the next attractions, we have

”Isn't that...” [Alice]

((What the heck is he/she doing there!?)) [Ash, Diana]

He/she's taking the place of a traveling bard, no, more like performing a duo with him... Is he/she also escaping from his/her job as well? If so, just why is he/she performing together with a bard. Alas, the song is beautiful, the crowd actually enjoy the song so much that they got drunk from the atmosphere. Plus, he/she is clearly enjoying it as well, look, his/her scale powder from her wings are scattering around right now, so I can actually give the song and performance a score of 7/10,

(My vampire guard just give me a message, it looks like he/she didn't show any suspicious behaviour) [Diana]

(I see, it will be good if I am wrong here) [Ash]

Motra, an S rank adventure. I don't know the full extent of her power, but given that he/she's an S rank adventure, his/her power shouldn't be taken lightly at all. It basically meant that he/she at the top percentage of most powerful people alive. He/she is weaker than Khamishah, but if he/she really do have the fallen god blessing like Agnes has, and what more, the blessing from Drant, the holy beast of earth, this could spell actual trouble

”Now then, onto my next performance. I should go to the act there” [Motra]

”That sound fun, I will join you as well” [Traveling bard]

”My pleasure to have you with me” [Motra]

So he/she wanted to use the performance stage huh... That's good and all until

”There you are!” [Aries]

”Why hello there Aries, what could be wrong with your mood today? You seem mad” [Motra]

”...” [Aries]

”Mr/Mrs Motra!” [Traveling bard]

And he/she fly away. Looks like the report that I got from Ram was indeed true, that those two are having a close relationship.

(I should ask Mrs Aries there should she knew anything) [Rumia]

(Do so in secrecy. Don't hint it obviously, don't want Motra to get suspicious) [Ash]


Though by this point, I'm sure he/she's just toying around with us.

”Let us move to the play” [Muse]

”Oh yeah, the kids are doing that” [Ash]

”It's a last minute idea after all, but if it can get other parents to send their children to the school, than it is all worth it” [Qis]

”True, plus, I wanted to see for myself my potential students” [Alice]

”Good luck teacher” [Mira]

There will be a play being performed by all the orphans. It's a super duper last minute idea from Haliza when she ask any progress about the school, and she blurt out about making a play or two inside Diana's hall. That way, we can attract children and parents alike and tell them about the school for commoner as well. Those around the neighborhood area already sign up for sending their kids to school, but not from other areas.




Once we arrive at the Hall, a commotion happen

”School for commoner. It's too soon, and too much commoner learning will only disturb the already perfect system, so cease the play” [First prince]

”I won't!” [Khamishah]

”You're just a foreigner, you don't have any power here” [First prince]