Chapter 193 - 1 more day until day 1 of the debutante party (1/2)


[Open field dungeon]

[Khamishah point of view]

”Uwaahh, Uwaahh” [Miriam]

”There, there, you must be hungry” [Black cat lady]

”I wanted to feed Miriam as well” [Young girl]

”Idiot, you don't have any milk!” [Ox boy]

”But!” [Young girl]

”Now, don't start bickering, or else I will feed you to the monster” [Khamishah]

”Kyaa!” [Other]

Haha, how innocence they're. Though some of them took my joke literally, so much so the nun started to say ”it's alright” multiple times.

We are all going to stay at the orphanage, as most inn already booked by people from other countries. Princess Diana debutante party, it's a really big celebration, as usually debutante party for a princess will only be attended by nobles and royal from few countries at most, and not to mention, the normal folks like us wouldn't even get to have a taste of what it feels like to celebrate an important event. Plus, normally the bride for the princess will be announced during the debutante party, but knowing Princess Diana, I don't think that will happen. The time I spent with her might be short, but she's a strong willed girl that wouldn't kneel down to any ideas that she dislikes, and would even fight it back

(Plus, she got herself few trustable and dependable allies) [Khamishah]

Though of course, one of them is, how to put it nicely... ”unique”

”Gaah!” [Miriam]

”Miriam is bored” [Long hair girl]

”Well, she's only a kid, so long travel might bored her quickly” [Nun D]

Those two mother and son, they're invited as well, and personally for that. I ask both Queen Rinz and Princess Diana to send an invitation to her directly, and ask other to spread the news about it, that she was invited due to her courageous act to adopt a human when she herself is a non human in a challenging environment. For her, it's only a normal act, and she herself ask me to stop it, but I have to do that, since both Queen Rinz and I wanted the tense situation in Kiserre to go down, as well as normalizing, or at least make it to a level where racial riot isn't always a feet away

”How long... I'm tired” [Long hair girl]

”We should arrive right before dusk I think” [Khamishah]

”That long...” [Long hair girl]

If you ask me, I am the one feeling most affected, as I usually travel solo as the saga and my journey will usually be a quick one, but traveling with all of them, it's slow but nonetheless, something that being comfort to my heart.

(Maybe a brute woman like me finally developed a motherly instinct?) [Khamishah]

If Ash heard that, he will laugh for sure, and I will stomp his face for that


[Kara point of view]

”Inspecting the neighborhood area with you? Sure” [Rafiah]

”REALLY! I mean... thank you” [Hunter adventure]

An emergency has occurred, Sis Rafiah, our beloved oblivious Sis Rafiah is currently being drag into a date with one of the adventures without her knowing so. The reaction of other, can be divided into

Male adventures and soldiers

”That damn hunter!” [Swordman adventure]

”Death is too light of a punishment for him!” [Axeman adventure]

”And why didn't I think of that excuse sooner!” [Spearman adventure]

”Let us ”celebrate” them by giving the hunter a ”nice and warm” push, into HELL!” [Soldier A]

Female friends of her

”Rafiah, on a date... which swindler trick her!” [Yefefiah]

”What if she's drag into an inn, and...” [Mimi]

”That hunter, I am so gonna shoots him in that area should he do that!” [Female elf adventure]

”I should prepare some poison to make it even more excruciating” [Young healer A]

”I'll aid whenever possible” [Elsa]


”Come on now, you guys are just overreacting” [Jacks]

”Say someone who can't even get Alice yet!” [Swordman adventure]

”But really, you guys really do...” [Ex female paladin adventure]

”Listen here! Alice has already someone in her mind (though I hope it isn't true), the guild master's daughter, well, she's gorgeous, but this is the guild master's daughter we are talking about! That only leave us men with that cutie Rafiah, and to think he out of all people get her! Unforgivable!” [Dwarf adventure]

(That hunter wouldn't do anything funny, but not like they will listen) [Syah]

(I'm too afraid to tell them my opinion...) [Kronbir]

And us

”I'm worried...” [Rean]

”Same here. She's dependable, but...” [Elise]

”She's oblivious when it comes to things like these, even Kara here has more common sense in that area” [Mara]

”Hey!” [Kara]

”Sis Rafiah...” [Lara]

”Danger!” [Nara]

”True, in real danger” [Zerolith]

”Someone suddenly concern about her, when all he did all the time is giving her a cold shoulder” [Farhah]

”Someone not honest with his feelings” [Karon]

”This and that is a different matter!” [Zerolith]

”Will Sis Rafiah leave us?” [Singa]

”If they fall in love...” [Charlotte]

”Is that... good?” [Cupid]

”Of course not!” [Savel]

Which lead us to us, all of us, spying on them

”So the photo booth is clear now. Good luck for tomorrow” [Rafiah]

”Thank you. I finally got to take a photo with her highness tomorrow!” [Clothing shop aunty]

”How about we take a photo of us...” [Hunter adventure]

”That sound nice!” [Clothing shop aunty]

(DON'T YOU DARE!) [Males adventures]