Chapter 99 - Gift from Earth dungeon part 4 (1/2)
”Sleepy...” [Charlotte]
”Want to sleep...zzz...” [Youngest boy]
”We can, still, keep ongoing...” [Youngest girl]
”Poor child” [Haliza]
”Guess we will just stop here” [Ash]
”Agree...” [Rean]
”I'm tired...” [Kanji]
”Scythe boss, your stamina, are endless” [Thug E]
”Mrs Qis too, both of them are unfazed” [Seo Ah]
”They live in a completely different dimensions from us” [Zerolith]
”This is just the results of daily training. You guys will achieve the same should you put in more effort” [Qis]
”Like she said” [Ash]
”Why did I get this feeling he didn't put that much of an effort” [Mira]
”Who knows” [Diana]
(Oh, you definitely know) [Ash]
Well, after the mock battle between Rean and Kanji (which ended up in a draw as both side can't keep up), we ventured further downward inside the dungeon in hope of finding the crystal (with the added benefit of training these kids as well as some sightseeing inside the dungeon, like that beautiful waterfall at 4th floor). We did run into a couple of treasure chest, as well as some random golem (the monster, not the magic), but so far, I can't find even a single crystal. If this keep on, I will venture further downward myself in order to find it.
(Here I thought the streak of good luck will continue, but that doesn't seems to be the case) [Ash]
As I keep on activating my scan magic, I detected something almost familiar
”What!” [Ash]
”What happen!?” [Kana]
”Don't scare us like that!” [Diana]
”I find it...” [Ash]
”That thing?” [Diana]
”No, the portal stone... but, the wavelength, something feels, different” [Ash]
”Can you investigate it?” [Haliza]
”I will. Kana, Qis, please stay here and protect the kids and the princesses.” [Ash]
””Got it”” [Qis, Kana]
”How about us?” [Kanji]
”Me too!” [Rean]
”Not fair, we wanted to go as well!” [Elise]
”Did you forgot what happen last time I found one inside the dungeon?” [Ash]
”That's...” [Kara]
”Be careful!” [Mara]
”I will” [Ash]