Chapter 98 - Gift from Earth dungeon part 3 (1/2)
It's almost noon and with them having expenses all of their energy for training today, we decided to have an early lunch session.
As for the location, we decided to use a nice brisk location just beside a pond. I had already scanned the whole area for potential dangerous and there's none of it, which is good.
As I take out the foods and drinks inside the item box, my mind started to wonder around, thinking the beat next spot to grind that crystal. Well, us training back then do cash up some good amount of loot. It isn't that much considering the size and rank of the monster that we fought, but I can say that we actually manage to collect a whole treasure chest worth of loot, something that is actually impressive. I do wonder is it because of my luck, or the luck of one of the kids here
(Now that I think of it, wasn't that happen back then as well) [Ash]
The first time, I found the zombie Spawning Block (as well as Behe), second time I found marine spawning block and both of them are during my training session with them inside the dungeon. So either my luck max out when I am with them, or one of them having such good luck that it affect our luck as well, or simply Goddess Achalasia herself decided to interfere and give us all something good.
(If that is the case, I do hope we can get some crystal spawning block) [Ash]
Maybe I am asking too much, but who knows, maybe I will get it. But a crystal spawning block will definitely bring more trouble and ruckus as compared to normal monster Spawning Block... Well, all of that would only happen should I get my hand on one of it, so there's no need for me to think too much about it
”Ahh, my cloth...” [Charlotte]
”Here, let me help you” [Seo Ah]
”It's alright, I can just do this” [Charlotte]
While setting up the place, Charlotte accidentally spill some mango juice to her clothes. Well, since her water affinity and skill are beyond your average people, she simply dry it off herself by manipulating the mango juice and get if off her clothes. That my little sister! Doing it so easily without struggling at all. Not to mention her clothes didn't even have mango stain
As we eat
”This wood apple is just delicious” [Elise]
”It juicy, and sweet. Not to mention it size is bigger as compared to normal apple” [Seo Ah]
”I want more!” [Zerolith]
”Same here!” [Farhah]
”Zerolith, Farhah!” [Kara]
”Don't be shy, there are plenty of it still left” [Haliza]
”Then don't mind if I do” [Zerolith]
”Zerolith, slow down a bit, or else you will choke on the food” [Ash]
”Hut it yumy (but it's yummy)” [Zerolith]
”And don't talk while your mouth is full!” [Ash]
”Hahaha” [Cat boy]
”That applies to you as well” [Kana]
”Corry...” [Cat boy]