3 New Life (1/2)
On somewhere island people escaping from wild beast. The wild beasts howling like they gone mad .
When young youth saw the wild beat chasing him without reason he madly running toward the edge of the island where troops stationed for securing their equipment. He cursed inside how unlucky he was.
He was the young soldier of third troup. He got orders from his superiers that he have to follow exploration team for their safety . He not some strong guy but some unluckiest guy who got
Punishment to serve this exploration team for month. Now the month coming to end he got news the exploration team found new ruins of what they finding for from 25 years.
He was not any soldier. He just normal student of cultivator academy, he is orphan, luckily he got admitted in cultivator society academy. He so happy that he flying in clouds , he thinked with this he could change his destiny of weakhuman and soar in clouds. But, then he got to know here is rule all jungle law, strong pray on weak, but he did not give up here and he started to hard working on cultivation but, Because he was not from some big background he was get bullied by often. One time he only just passing by academy gateand strangely he just barely got into one girl. Because of that he strangled by surround boys when that girl left. Then later he got to know that girl was academy beauty. Who have huge clan behind her. Because he touched her accidently he got beaten up by other students.
Then come his real suffering. Some guys who pursuing that girl learned that he touched her and they used their background and started to bully him. From then on his life getting harder and harder. Like he was in hell.
He was getting mad and driven by his anger he just beated one of the silkpants who bullying him everyday. Then later he got later from academy he have to serve army for one month.
He got shocked because normal soldier life nothingin the eyes of this big heads.
When come to army he got lucky and have to serve this exploration team.
But When he got to know this exploration team is blood die team he got hurt attack.
Because whenever any army troops go with them not many of them return from their adventure
They got buried in that adventure. He even heard one time full thousand best elite soldier's get wiped out in the tomb of the dragon. From then on this blood team got famous, but no soldier or general willing to give them troops and soldier.
And now he was so unlucky that he got chased by this ugly beasts.
”How the hell I'm so unlucky, on this island we do not see any beast or any living thing then how the hell they got here and chasing only me. Fuck this luck of mine is this end of me.”
Thinking loudly this in his mind he poured all strength and qi in his legs and started to run faster and faster but no matter what he couldn't distance himself from this beast like they're toying with him.
The beast seeing human is gotten tired from running they slow down for some time which was to gave human some time to recover his energy they toying with him and when he will exhaust all his energy the drink his blood.
When he was running suddenly he saw there was cliff he got bad promotion in his heart. And when he saw behind that cliff was his heart shook. Behind the cliff was nothing but big black hole down.
Which he could not see how much deep is. Stopping at edge of the cliff he looked behind him and saw that beast madly chasing behind him. Seeing this he greeted his teeth jumped in this big hole and vanished from the sight of the beast. Seeing that human got in hole the mad beast furiously howled and without looking at direction of that big hole second time they scattered in their ways as nothing happened now.
In Big black hole not knowing how much time passed that youth slowly opened his eyes and blink of an eye he saw something coming at his way , he even not have time to think what was that. Suddenly coldness come from his heart and saw that there big hole on that side and not even drop of blood flowed out from that hole. Seeing this looked back and saw small cricket type insect. That insect have golden body and his heart which was beating slowly in that insect tiny hands, seeing this he closed his eyes and The remaining breath he have stopped, and he left this world with regret that he not strong enough to control his destiny.
Like this he fallen deeper in the black hole.
When the tattoo formed on the chest of Sura his body slightly shook and he got vitality from the blood got absorbed in his flesh and now body looked like some hard worker who not eated for days.
Having formed tattoo he got sudden weakness not knowing this he asked to blade. ”Blade why my body is feeling this weak.”
Blade answered him. ”Lord you have slumbered more than eons therefore the energy which you have saved for yourself for your body which not get vanished from the chakra of time. Therefore you feel weakness .Our body did not have single drop of blood and energy and now you're using my energy which weakened greatly for giving vitality to your body. In this eons I have gived all my energy toyou so that your consciousness remain in your body, so I got weak and your body can't keep up with your thought's and soul. Your soul is so strong that your current body which weaker than normal human can't hold it for longso I recommend to lord absorb flesh and blood of primodial beast. Which can greatly help you.”
”So I have to kill any living being I see.” That's no problem now I itching to try his new era's human and god's and demon's how strong they have got.” Said sura..
Seeing excitement in the sura eye's blade hesistated while but spoke to sure. ”Lord about that there is no God's And Demon God's in this era they got vanished long ago.”
Hearing this Sura get shocked. ”What did you say how can Godhood realm cultivators vanish from this era they can break heavens law with their power I can't believe Godhood realm cultivator geteasily killed by anyone.”
Blade shook his head and said. ”I don't know about any god and godhood cultivator but I know when I was got exhausted using so much energy to preserve your soul and body I entered slumber for 5 eons
So I don't know how they get vanished. When I woke up after 5 eons I got to know there no more cultivator above skysoul realm. Even this era there is hard to see one skysoul cultivator.”
Hearing this Sura shook his head. ”Looks like we can't get my eye shard from this world we have to go to our home when I recover my peak.”
Saying this sura walked toward the piller which standing agaist the temple shrine which nothing look like temple but ruin.
Slowly Sura came to stop front of temple. And using his remaining power he summoned orb like object through space. By using his remaining energy his ghost like white withered face got much pale which look like white withered board. ”We have to use space shuttle which can bring me toward the surface of this planet. This island is deep in underground which now going to collaps. So I've to get away from here fast as possible. Luckily I've built this shuttle which wiil bring me anywhere on this planet with my thought.”
Saying this he placed his orb on the piller's hole. Then the piller shined brightly and the temple which looked like ruin reformed itself then changed into shape of castle. Then the light shone from the temple covered Sura and changed his body in particles and he vanished from there like nothing there on there first place.
When Sura opened his eyes he saw everything black beside him . Seeing this he whistled toward the somewhere.
And from there his whistle echo toward all place.
Seeing darkness his surrounding he shook his head. Suddenly golden beam of light come flying toward him. Seeing this Sura caught this golden light gently.
That golden light come toward him and rest on his palm.
Seeing this little golden insect Sura gently shook it's wings.
The golden light disappeared from the insect and come into view the cricket like insect which now behaving cutly on his palm.
That golden insect then changed it's shape and formed into the small fairy like appearance.
Looking at the small fairy which was only big as his palm. He said ”Long time no see queen of fairy's”
Seeing sura the fairy gently laughed at him and said”Yeah long time no see Lord Sura. How come you remembered me now after this eons years later.”
Seeing mocking smile on her face, he shook his head and said. ”Can we chat later I want to leave from here I have to get much energy so I can return to normal myself.”
Hearing this The little fairy waved her small hand and the behind her gold colored mountains get summoned. Then she looked into eyes of Sura and said. ”This energy of chakra which I have gathered from hearts of human beast and other living things. This much energy I think enough for you to gather little chakra.”
Hearing this Sura nodded his head toward her and said. ”This energy can help me but I need fresh body to reborn. Because this body used all energy I have cultivated and it cannot handle my soul. I need new body.”
Hearing this little fairy looked upward in darkness and said to Sura ”I think you're lucky there is young human body which entered here not long time but he died by my hands. I think his talent is not that great but his body suitable for you.”
Haring this Sura look at that direction and fly toward it. When he saw the body of youth which died recently he shook his head. ”This body weaker than I've imagined.”
Seeing his disappointed look, little fairy shook her head and said to him. ” In this era you can't get strong body. Because in this era all cultivator so weak that you can't get better body than this body. Although this body talent is trash but among the youth I've seen far his body is strong.In this era all cultivator only focus on energy cultivation.”
Hearing this Sura shook his head and then flow toward that body and when he saw the big hole on that chest , He look toward little fairy. Seeing this little fairy waved her hand and mountain behind her get smaller and smaller then it take shape of heart then she throw that heart toward Sura. Catching that heart Sura placed that heart in body of youth then he make some seals from his hands and pressed it on that youth chest.
On the chest of youth seals get formed. Then Sura bite his hand and small amount of blood drop fall on the newly formed seal and get absorbed in the seal. Suddenly that youth body shook and the seals on his chest come to being alive they devoured the Sura.Then Sura's body changed in particles and vanished from there. The youth chest hole slowly started to heal itself. Then the seals covered all over the body of that youth. Slowly seals changed its colors from black to green, and vitality come from that youth. When that seals turning into green seals. That new seals slowly formed net on that youth body.
Some time later that seals slowly burned in blue flames, then turned into ashesh.