2 Chapter: 2 Asura Of Hell, God Of Heaven Sura Rule All (1/2)
Chapter: 2Asura Of Hell, God Of Heaven
Sura Rule All
Ronald and his friend moving forward. All of sudden front troops came to halt;
They walking in silent forest for an hour even this island very big they don't know how much
but on this island small part of mountains is field with vegetation.
When troops came to halt captain came to Ronald. He saluted him and said
: ”Leader There is runes and Gate between mountain. We secured that place near gates
but we can't go past to that gate. Becauase there transperant shield.
Not waiting for captain to fiinish his words Ronald started walk forward toward the gate.
When he looked at gate he surprised that gate structure same in the book his grandpa found.
He take out the map and see it. What he saw was that there x mark and not enter in ancient God
language. Seeing this his eyes widened becuse never ever this map warned him even in life
and death situation what now that map is terrified by gate he looking at and restless just like he want to escape from here.
Ronald ” what happened?”
Then Ronald saw The map change his form of book and land in hands of Ronald.
Seeing this he surpised he never know this map used like that. He think that abilities of piece of skin
is he even now know.
He open that book and suddenly surroundings of his came to stop.
Like someone had stopped time. Then his conciousnes get blurred and
He came to another world he see the space, nebula's, black holes, and exploding stars and planet's
When he saw that he's eye's widened with shock then he see that there in space
some creature big as sun attacking the on other side look like it war happening on both side.
He don't even know what happening but he hear faint voice that say: ” Get out from here this is resting place of our lord don't came near it if you enter in gate you will be killed. Go back and don't
came here again.
Suddenly pain came from his mind and Ronald get out of his illution.
seeing nothing happened him he sign of relief.
”hoo What all this about”.
Suddenly there scout captain came hurridly there and said something to Ronald.
Hearing this Ronald frown his brow. And said don't worry even they come they can't get anything from here.
Let's return we will go to other ruins. And don't touch that gates warn everyone. let's
pick up everything.
Hearing this command Captains get dumfonded what the hell they come this far and he say's we have to go to other site.
Ronald not caring he walk forward in 15 minutes all troops and mans get far from gates.
But they don't know because of them something happenig inside of the gate.
The Gates Tall as Mountains they so heavy but antoshingly they floating above 5 inch from Ground.
In the gate there Magnificent City like Heaven But there nothing only building of ancient culture.
There runes here and there And middle of the city There is sun like fire ball which giving power to all city and gates of city.
Yes this is city and that is ancient but this city not for living. There no living bieng in this city.
This Island on the planet called heavana planet this planet is too beautifull. But no one know about this planet. But century ago humans found there is planets in another univers so with their technology they found new planets in universe and explored them. Because of population of humans increasing they need new home so they founded new planets and maked the new planets their home. But with new homes they found came with new dangers and that dangers are new races of aliens and beast that never know to humans. Humans fought with them and gain new homes. But it came with price that wars happen all around. The various races came together and
fought with humans. Even humans have technology but they can't keep up with all races allience.
Because this races have their own unique powers and bloodlines they cultivating from ancient time.
Human not know this because they belived in science because of this failed to win war and came drop from food chain. Because of casulties from human side the other races treated them as sleves. Humans came to despairity. They come sleves of other races and other races destroyed all
science technology and knowledge they have accumulated from their ancestors.
But some years later humans came to know secret of other races power that they cultivate spiritual energy and make their boddy like gods and then they came to know thats their body
can cultivate all type energy's without limit. The alien races because of their bloodline only cultivate one type of energey but humans can cultivate three energy's same time because of
that humans started to culivate secretly and they found they came strong that even nuclear weapons not hurt them but to came that far without knowing to alien races they cultivated
for thousand years, and then breaking their slave seal they started to rebel against the other races.