Chapter 235 - Danger (1/2)

After finishing the meal they left Zhang Hou and Xu Juan alone, since they're now official, Wang Ming wanted to give them some time to talk and grow their relationship. Wang Ming learned a big lesson today after seeing Fang Huan. He couldn't become complacent himself either. He's going to open up multiple restaurants soon, he needs to be aware of who he hires and ensure every worker is happy and is not being abused.

If Xu Juan's love for Zhang Hou hadn't been so strong, she might have broken under the pressure and given in to Fang Huan. He found it hard to swallow. That stuff like this happens in a restaurant. Many people depend on their jobs to feed themselves or their families, so they give in to any abuse from their superiors and swallow the humiliation. He had to ensure something like that would never happen in his restaurant.

”Wang Ming, do you want to go back to the competition? It seemed like you wanted to watch the competition earlier. I know it's important for you to win this competition I heard everything from Qiao Meng as well.”

”It's fine, I didn't think you'd notice. I can just watch it back on TV later. Even though I want to win the competition and get every advantage possible, Ming Ming's stomach is more important.”

”Thank you, Daddy! I think your food is better than grandpa's. But keep it as a secret.” Wang Ming laughed hearing Ming Ming's opinion, he felt happy that she thought so. But then it's not really Uncle Hou's food as he didn't cook it, he only owns the restaurant and most likely came up with the menu and recipes. Wang Ming was sure that if Uncle Hou cooked the food, then it would have tasted better.

”Thank you Ming Ming, but if Grandpa Hou cooked the food, then it would have tasted just as good as my food. But remember to keep it a secret, okay? If Grandpa asks next time, then tell him that his food is better than mine, okay?” Wang Ming and Ming Ming then pinky swore. She laughed excitedly that they shared a secret.

It was still fairly early on the day at only 1PM, Wang Ming didn't know what to do other than to prepare for the competition tomorrow. But he didn't want to, his life had revolved around preparing for the competition this past week, even though he knew it could give him a better chance of winning, he wanted to enjoy the day with Fu Ya and Ming Ming.

”Fu Ya, do you have a place in mind? I just want to enjoy the day with you guys.” Fu Ya's face lit up, thinking for a second she said. ”Let's go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park in the north. They just opened the last month, Ming Ming has pestered me to go every day, but I haven't had time. Today's the perfect opportunity.”

”Do you want to go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park, Ming Ming?”

”Ming Ming wants to go!”

”Then let's go.” Seeing her so enthusiastic, Wang Ming had no reason to decline. This would be his first time going to an amus.e.m.e.nt park as well, so it would be a fresh experience for him. Grabbing her hand Ming Ming excitedly waddled around, they then got the car and drove to the amus.e.m.e.nt park.

Arriving at the amus.e.m.e.nt park, Wang Ming felt impressed by the place. Even though he had never been to an amus.e.m.e.nt park before, he had seen them in movies. The gigantic Ferris wheel in the middle of the park looked so mesmerizing, Wang Ming felt like a kid again. He wanted to try out every single ride and the different snacks there.

There was a sea of people in front of the amus.e.m.e.nt park which made him bummed out. They had to at least wait an hour to get in, but that's an experience in of it itself, he thought. Grabbing Ming Ming and Fu Ya's hands, he walked to the back of the queue.

Standing in the queue, Wang Ming noticed people staring at him, which made the experience uncomfortable, but he couldn't stop them looking in his direction. After standing in line for 10 minutes, a mother and daughter approached him excitedly and said.