Chapter 234 - Enraged (1/2)

Following Zhang Hou's orders Xu Juan went out to get the manager. On the way she got one of her colleagues to bring the food. Honestly, she still wanted to work here, as she felt like working at the counter and being a waitress is a relaxing job. But since Zhang Hou doesn't want her to work low-class worker anymore, she would gladly give it up. The only thing she's afraid of is, she has no experience working as a manager.

Going to the manager's office, Xu Juan felt a bit disgusted seeing Fang Huan. Xu Juan didn't understand why or how he even became the manager of this restaurant. The only thing he's good at is to laze around and harass the workers. He only acts properly whenever Zhang Hou is around, though today it didn't seem like he knew that Zhang Hou would come. Else he would have been in their room greeting him by now.

The moment Fang Huan saw Xu Juan his eyes lit up. He had been pursuing Xu Juan for at least a year. Of course Xu Juan isn't the only one he's been pursuing, but there's something with Xu Juan. Even though she's 35 years old, she's still so innocent it incited a fire inside Fang Huan. He wanted to take her to bed and just f.u.c.k her silly. He tried to act like a gentleman at the start but that clearly didn't work so he switched his methods.

Facing someone innocent like Xu Juan, he would need to employ more forceful techniques. So he scolded her whenever he did something wrong, even threatening to fire her. Of course, he expressed many times that he would stop as long as she agrees to go on a date with him.

”Do you need anything Xu Juan?” Fang Huan was just waiting for Xu Juan to say or do something wrong. ”Manager Fang, I need to talk to you about something.”

”Wait, before you say anything, weren't you supposed to serve food to room 23? I saw you come out of the room minutes ago.”

”That's what I wanted to talk with you about. I let Little Xiong serve the food instead, I need to talk with you about something. If you could please follow me to the room.” Fang Huan totally misunderstood what Xu Juan meant. In his wicked mind, he thought that Xu Juan used this as an excuse for them to copulate. She had cracked under the pressure.

”Well, since you want to talk then I'll overlook you giving your tasks to Little Xiong. As long as you serve me good, I promise you will get a better life. Maybe you'll even become the vice manager. Come sit on my l.a.p honey.” Xu Juan wanted to puke hearing Fang Huan's advance. Where did he get his confidence from?

She couldn't even look at Fang Huan's face anymore and turned around to leave the room and said. ”No, Mr Fang. There's someone that wants to talk to you. Just follow me and we'll clear this up, okay?” Fang Huan couldn't think straight when he saw Xu Juan's juicy a.s.s. If he could, he would push her down and take her right now without consequences, he would.

”Stop lying, just do what you wanted to do from the start. You wanted a ride with this train, right? Let's go, no need to be shy. I promise, you will be my only girl, I'll give you anything you want.” Fang Huan felt so hot right now, he wanted to vent his d.e.s.i.r.e.

”Manager Fang, if you don't come to room 23 then it's on you, I've done what I needed to do already.” Xu Juan then left the room to go back to Zhang Hou. She felt so dirty being harassed by Fang Huan. But Fang Huan didn't want to let her go, his head was filled with the d.e.s.i.r.e to get Xu Juan, so he committed a big mistake he followed her out the room.

Running after Xu Juan, Fang Huan finally caught her hand right before she could get to room 23. He wanted to clear up everything. He didn't understand why Xu Juan still kept up her act. Why else would she go to his office like that? To talk? No way she had to be seducing him, right? He still remembers her swaying her a.s.s in front of him earlier, she has to have tried to seduce him.

”Xu Juan, stop acting like an innocent maiden. You wanted me, right? Just be honest, I'll look past everything that happened earlier. As long as you p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e me, I'll give you everything okay?”

Xu Juan had enough, it's fine he only tried to harass her with words, but now he also put his hands on her. Pulling her hand out of his grip, she slapped him right across the face hard. This is the first time she's ever hit someone in her life. Her hand hurt and swelled from the slap, but it felt so satisfying finally fighting back from her abuser.