2 W H A T A M I? (1/2)

The pee man's vision was filled with pure white with a fraction of a second before a haven appeared before him. The dreary sky was replaced with the gentle blue sky. The dirt and sparse bushes were replaced with lush grass, beautiful flowers and noble, elegant trees. The people were gone and there was only a soft breeze. ”Beautiful.”

”My loves and I decorated this place ourselves. This is my special place.” Chao looked around somewhat absentmindedly in response to the man's whisper.

”This is the perfect place then.”

”Tell me, who are you? When did you join us? What is my name?”

”I joined 3 weeks ago? No, that can't be right. Well, whatever. Time moves differently when you're miserable I guess. But my name is...I am… I'm… Who am I? You are the Devil. Right? No. You have a name just like me. What is my name though? Who am I? No. That's not the right question.” As the last question formed in his head and came out his mouth, his body heat steadily increased.

”W h a t a m I?” Finally when the thought formed in his head, his body was aflame and when his voice disappeared after the sentence fell, an emblem surfaced upon his forehead. Pure white flames crackled in the air and quietly seeped out from the man's orifices. The emblem was glowing brightly without spilling the golden light out into the light. ”So they found me again. I should get the other two so we can deal with them. I really hope no one dies this time around.” Chao sighed and closed her eyes.

. . .

”So who are your children?”

”They're right over there.” The man talking to Furvus pointed over to the group of children that Chao had brought near her side.

'What a coincidence.' Furvus mused to himself. ”If this man is your Father, please step up so you can get registered.”

”Actually sir, none of them are my biological children. I've adopted them all since their parents are no longer around.” The man smiled towards the children and waved at them. His pained smile caused the children's eyes to water. The man was their father figure after all. Although they knew he did something bad, they couldn't bear to abandon him. But what could they do? The lady would kill him no matter what and it was better if she did as well. If she didn't kill him, the other people who hate him would torture and kill them to kill his soul.

Furvus ignored his statement since their bond is what mattered and not their blood. A true family will have love as long as family exists. Furvus believed in this strongly. ”Step forward if you are the child of this man.”

”Alright.” He walked to them and continued when he was 2 steps away from them. ”I need you all to step into this room. When you all get inside, press the button that will show up next to your dominant hand. Are any of you ambidextrous? No? Good. Otherwise you would have to pull the bar down.” As he spoke, the children stepped inside the ”room”. The ”room” was a box that was purple on the outside and plum inside. The seats were leather while the floor was 100% alpaca fleece.

When all of them were seated, Furvus stepped in and pressed a button that showed up on an arm bar next to the door they stepped through. The spectators watched as the room seemed to have left a line of hundreds of copies overlapping one another while moving north over the cliff.