1 Pity? Incredulity? Both. (1/2)
On a lonely empty afternoon, the air was tense. A lady stood at the edge of a cliff with waves crashing against the steep, stone slope. The mist and air intertwined with the lady's abrupt laughter.
”Betrayal will always come with a price. The only reason why this principle is forgotten is because people never cash in full nor do the debtors pay in full. Mercy is a luxury for those who live in their ignorant fantasy world. I do not live in such a place nor do I ever want to visit. You say that God will spare those who are merciful and smite those who are not.
Well, to that I say, 'Down with that pretentious being!' If he wants me to spare pitiful, disgusting traitors like yourselves, then God will have to step down from his so-called ”Mighty Kingdom” to attempt to convince me. Also, that's if I even feel like meeting him.”, the lady tilted her head and her voice changed from a sarcastic tone to a threatening malice.
”God is a concept foolish humans came up with to explain their follies. I reject such excuses. Humans determine their own self worth and control the environment around them. Mutuality and tolerance are the key to the so-called 'Peace' that is desired by many. My doctrine achieves peace through mutuality and tolerance while encouraging equality through merit and maintaining it through rewards and punishments.
Everyone was informed of the rules to be followed when they joined me. What happened to the arrogant parasites who mocked those being punished in the past? I believed that the due punishment would be entertaining for you all since you very much enjoyed isolating and destroying those I punished. Those people were unlike you all. They did not beg for mercy! They welcomed their retribution with open arms! I respected them for they kept their pride and dignity unlike you all!”, the lady's tone changed once again into one of disgust as she created a fifth layer of a barrier with the wave of her left arm.
”You all absolutely disgust me to no end. Perhaps when you were born you may have had potential, but now? You've wasted it all! There are no words for exactly how much I loathe you all at this very moment. There is nothing to label you with as calling you swine or insects would be insults to them. They at least have some use. You all can't be called 'nothing' because that would be an insult to dead space as well as myself and those who truly matter.
As much as I would enjoy dismembering you to use you as fertilizer for my garden, I'm afraid I'm feeling a bit dark today.”
The lady lifted her right foot languidly before stomping it and causing cracks to form beneath her. The hairline cracks grew more defined going outward from her and caused half-meter deep crevices to form 3 meters away from her. People started collapsing one by one as their minds couldn't handle the pressure from the shock wave that was released by the lady. The 9 traitors in front of the lady broke out into cold sweats before collapsing. The lady looked around her and her attendants motioned over towards the back of the crowd of spectators.
A group of young children coldly looked on as adults and children alike fell into a deep slumber around them. The lady smirked and crooked her left index finger towards them bringing them over. While they were surprised they didn't voice it out and just observed her. A few even showed excitement which earned a short chuckle from the lady. Then her eyes turned sharp as she looked at the traitors foaming at the mouth.
”You weak things! Get your @sses up! I haven't even allowed you to collapse have I?” She turned to the man on her left and asked ”Have I allowed those d@mned traitors to sleep?” His mouth twitched as he held in his laughter. He had jet black hair and turquoise eyes that twinkled as he was entertained by her. ”No my lady, you haven't graced them with your decision.”
Those in the crowd who were awake and the children by her side felt their mouths twitch as well. The emotions they felt were difficult to describe.
Pity? Towards the arrogant fools who walked into the mouth of a demon?
Incredulity at how the personality of the enchanting lady changed from a regal empress with the aristocratic world under her feet to a gangster queen who ruled the underworld with the regular world in her back pocket?
Ah, yes.
It's probably a combination of both. Just as they finished those thoughts the lady turned her head to them.
”Tell me, did I give those disgusting scum permission to sleep? Have I graced them with my verbal verdict yet? Have I given them the honor of receiving their last verbal abuse from me?” The bystanders and children all unanimously answered ”No”.
”So why the bloody heck are they so weak? When I wake them up, I'm going to hang them upside down and pour cola down their nose just like S0u60*.” The crowd below looked at her in confusion while the man to her left and her two female attendants smiled and giggled respectively.