245 Under Attack (1/2)

Detra was looking at Claire like she wanted to choke her with a rope and throw her at the bottom of the ocean.

”Why in the world didn't you used that spell before!!??”

”Get off my back!! My spells take time to charge... You think I didn't want to beat that guy as well??”

”Ugh! Fine, whatever...” Detra whispered while she and Claire tried to help Joseph and Ellie who were still knocked out on the grass.

They moved the two under a tree so the shade could cover the sun and began to analyze their situation.

”So what do we do now? Is he still alive?” Claire wondered.

Detra gave a few steps towards the hole to glance at Gluttony who was still buried inside of it but completely invisible behind a massive curtain of smoke created by Claire's lightning spell.

”Most likely... While your spell was indeed strong, demons can only be defeated by blessed energy... And according to Hana, dragons can only be defeated by terminal energy...”

”So... What do we do...?”

Detra began to hold her chin while pondering about the situation.

If they used Ellie and her terminal form, they could probably deal with Gluttony with little trouble, but the girl was completely knocked out right now and they had no idea when she would wake up.

They could also call for Evlin and her group to ask for help but they needed a god for that. West apparently was in the middle of a crisis right now, Hana rushed to Evlin's side as soon as she finished talking with Detra and heard that Evlin went after Knucker, and North was still missing and he probably would never help them right now considering their history.

Detra wondered if she should try her luck with South.

The fire mages from the temple were also not going to be of much help since apparently the demon of sloth managed to plant some kind of traps in the middle of the night that made them all go to sleep.

”When did the Sloth demon set his trap...? We stayed up all night... ”

”Detra...?” Claire called her attention.

Detra realized she should worry about that later and returned her focus to Gluttony, ”we can't finish this guy without the young miss... Let's retreat for now and wait for her to recover her strength!”

”Ah! We could go home and wait there!” Claire suggested, wondering if she could use this chance to finally go home and check on her mother.

”That's actually a good idea!” Detra noted, ”very well... let's wait for things to calm down on your world and return once we get word from the crossbow girl...”

”Yes!!” Claire whispered.

Detra then tried to talk with the gods, ”West... West are you there? I need a portal!”

[Not now, East!! My home is being attacked by some crazy guy!! I need to guard my champions!!] West replied inside Detra's mind.

”... Hana? Hana are you there?”

”Rampaging?? What??”


”Hana!! West!!”



Detra began to wonder what exactly was happening.

”South... South, can you hear me?”

[East?] the voice of a young boy replied.

”South, I need your hel-”

[East!! Help!! I need help!! Someone is attacking my city!!!]

”What!!??” Detra gasped.

[You gotta send someone to help me!! Where is Evlin?? Where is Gustav??]

Detra's heart began to throb at a dangerous pace.

”All the god's temples are being attacked...?”

Suddenly, a noise started to come out of the crater. Claire took a small look and realized that Gluttony's body was starting to set itself on fire once again.

”Detra...? Are we still going...?” Claire asked.

”... ... Yes... Yes... we need to get out of here... Let's go...” Detra declared while grabbing Joseph and giving Ellie to Claire.

The group then began to walk away from the temple.

”Detra!! Where are we going??”

”As far away from here as possible! Something is going on and if we don't wanna get caught we need to keep moving!”

Detra and Claire continued to carry Joseph and Ellie while Dia followed right behind them as a large pillar of fire appeared from the hole Gluttony had been buried into.

”Wraaagghhhhh!!!!!” screamed the demon from inside the crater.

Claire felt the ground shaking from the power of that cry alone.

”S- Should we do something about that?” Claire wondered.

”You spells take years to go off, I'm out of power, young miss and the annoying lad can't even move and Dia was born yesterday and has probably no idea of what is even happening right now... Does this sound like the kind of group that can take on a demon dragon?” Detra commented.

”O- Ok, never mind... let's go...”