244 Elemental Battle (1/2)

Ellie, Claire, Joseph, Dia, and Detra all looked with their mouths wide open as the storm of fire continued to approach.

”Young miss!!!” Detra yelled, ”Can you absorb that??”

”I- I can't!” Ellie confessed, ”I still can barely move!!”

”Oh, great...” Detra whispered while raising another wall of ice.

She tried to stop the fire but her spell simply vanished in a matter of seconds due to the extreme heat.

”Joseph!!!” Claire shouted, ”do the thing!!!”

The boy looked at her confused for a couple of seconds and then snapped his fingers, ”the thing!! Of course!!”

”The thing...?” Ellie, Dia, and Detra repeated.

The boy then moved in front of them and raised his broken shield aimed at the incoming flames.

”Joey!! Are you crazy!!?? Get out of there!!” Ellie screamed.

”Trust me!! I know what I'm doing!” he replied.

All the women watched thinking the kid was going to be burned to a crisp, but to their surprise, the fire just began to shrink once it came in contact with the lad's wooden weapon until it vanished completely.

”What the hell...?” Gluttony gasped, ”Where did my fire go??”

Ellie looked just as confused as the demon dragon. She then noticed that there was steam coming out of Joseph's body.

”What just happened??” Detra asked.

”This is the spell that he learned from miss Leona...” Claire explained.

”Joey can absorb energy too?” Ellie wondered.

”Nope... Heat!” Claire corrected, ”He can absorb any heat in the area onto himself!”

The boy then did a little spin and made an anime pose, ”It's my special fire ability that was born from my lessons with miss Leona and my affinity! I call it 'Zero Vortex!!'”

Dia just tilted her head, ”why...?”

”Because it absorbs things like a vortex, and can reduce the temperature down to zero!”

Claire then came closer to Dia and began to whisper in her ear, ”that name was my idea, he was going to call it Hot Vacuum...”

”Oh... I see... I would have gone with thermo assimilation...” Dia commented.

”I now declare that this power shall be called Thermo Assimilation!!!” Joseph proudly declared while shouting to the heavens as if receiving a name from Dia was the greatest honor he could ever ask for.

The boy turned around to face the dragon feeling like he now had the upper hand, ”Now! You vile villain of evil villainess!!”

Gluttony just stared at the boy confused, ”... what...?”

”Prepare to face the power of the greatest hero who ever lived!!”

”... Ok...” Gluttony replied while bending over and rushing towards the boy.

”Eh...? You're not using fire anymore??” Joseph gasped.

The dragon then raised his fist and prepared to bury the boy on the soil.

”Ah! Ah! Help!!”


”Oh, thank you Jesus!!” the boy whispered in relief while falling on his knees.

”Focus!!” Detra yelled while approaching him, ”the enemy is in front of you!! You have to keep your mind concentrated!!”

”Ah, sorry, yes!! Focus!”

Gluttony then stood up and glared at the two, ”Ah... This is taking longer than I was expecting...”

He released another breath of fire but Detra just grabbed the boy that was on her side and began to hold him like a meat-shield.

”... Wha- What are you doing...?” Joseph asked.

”Absorb his power so I won't get hit!” Detra ordered.

”... I feel like I'm not being respected a lot right now...”

”DO IT!!!”

”Yes ma'am!!” Joseph replied while raising his shield again and repeating the process from earlier.

The fire vanished as the young mage absorbed it with his magic.

”Ouch!!!” Detra cried as she was forced to release the kid due to its body getting extremely heated all of sudden.

”Ugh!!” Joseph cried as he landed face-first in the ground.

”Grrr... This kid is so annoying...” Gluttony complained.

The dragon then grabbed the tree he was smacked against with one hand and launched it at the two with all the strength of his arm.

Detra noticed the incoming object and used her magic to halt its movement with a couple of frozen shards.

”What happened to your body??” she asked while wondering why there was steam coming out of him.

”Well, I absorbed the heat... Don't worry, it will go back to normal in a... couple of... Seconds...”

”Kid...? Kid!!” Detra yelled as she gazed at the boy falling unconscious on the ground due to over-heating.

Gluttony began to laugh, ”hehe... now that's taken care of...”

He began to rush at Detra with flames coming out of his mouth, and the more he moved the more the flames continued to grow until his whole body was covered in fire.

”Oh, wonderful...” Detra cried as she tried to raise several platforms of ice to stop him, but the demon dragon just bashed straight through them all like a truck.