\”I asked you to call me before you get here so I can come wait for you.\” Lan Haiyang scolded Cheng Jian when he found him sitting alone at the bus stop. Hugging his body. \”Have you been waiting long?\”

\”It's okay. I didn't want to impose.\” Cheng Jian said as he stood up to follow Lan Haiyang.

Lan Haiyang couldn't believe his ears. His high maintenance, overbearing friend had just sounded like a considerate person. \”What? What did you just say?\”

Cheng Jian smiled at Lan Haiyang's facial expression. \”I'm learning a lot of new things at my job.\”

\”You... Sell popcorn at the cinema. Other than how to make popcorn, what could you possibly learn at your job?\”

\”Just... In the one month, I've worked at the Cinema, I've encountered people from all walks of life. Most of them are unbelievably rude, obnoxious and downright unpleasant. They look down on me just because I'm a salesperson.\”

\”Really?\” Lan Haiyang asked in a sarcastic tone.

\”Yes. You wouldn't believe it.\” Cheng Jian replied. Lan Haiyang's sarcasm lost on him. He continued, \”Anyway, it made me realize that I myself may have been rude, obnoxious and unpleasant to other people—most especially salespeople—once or twice.\”

\”Once or twice, huh?\”

\”Yes. And well, being treated so poorly by other people has made me realize I shouldn't treat other people poorly myself. So, I'm working on changing myself.\”

Lan Haiyang smiled in approval.\”Good for you.\”

\”I know. Come to think of it. I didn't really realize before that I wasn't supposed to treat people that way. I was spoilt rotten as a child, you know? Even after my dad passed away, I never really experienced any hardships until now.\”

\”But... You're having fun, right? That was what you told me the last time we talked.\”

\”Well, at first, I was. But now that I've run out of savings, even eating has become a problem.\”

\”You know... If things are too difficult for you, you can come back to Jiaxiang or even The Little Club. I'm sure I can make arrangements for you.\”

\”I don't want to go back to Jiaxiang, Haiyang. And I can't work in Beijing. I'm trying to start over. How can I do that if I start running into people from my past?\”

\”I understand. It's all up to you anyway.\”

\”Well, yeah. But do you hear anything from Big Boss? I hope he's not too bothered about my debt.\”

\”Boss went with me to talk to the collector. He extended your loan terms by a couple of months. You should be fine until then.\”

\”The thought of him coming after me is profoundly scary.\”

\”It is. But I bet he has bigger fish to fry at the moment. And he'll have to go over my dead body to get to you.\”

Cheng Jian chuckled at that. \”Like he cares anything about you.\”

\”He doesn't. But he cares about Boss. Who cares greatly about me. You see the connection, don't you?\”

\”I do.\” Cheng Jian sighed. \”If only I got a chance to seduce Big Boss in the past. I wouldn't be so scared of my own shadow now.\”

They both burst out laughing at the same time.

When the laughter ceased, Lan Haiyang shook his head lightly and complained. \”I don't believe you had to work today. It's New Year's Eve. They should let you take a rest. Perhaps, go spend time with your family.\”

Cheng Jian chuckled. \”What family, Haiyang?\”

\”I was being hypothetical. I mean, if you wanted to, you should be able to go see your family.\”

\”Well... You can go. But your job won't be waiting for you to come back.\”

Lan Haiyang mumbled to himself. \”So much work for such little pay.\”

He took Cheng Jian by the hand and led him towards an off-white colored condo. They entered an elevator and clicked the button that led to the seventh floor.

\”Why did you even rent a place in Tianjin? It's so far from where you work.\” Cheng Jian spoke.

\”Well, it isn't my permanent place. It's just somewhere I come when I want to get away from all of the mess in Beijing.\”

\”Not fair.\” Cheng Jian pouted.

\”What isn't?\”

\”I have to share a room with three other people. Not an apartment, Haiyang. A room. And you have some vacation apartment.\”

\”Is it that bad?\”

\”You have no idea. God, I was so relieved when you invited me to your place. At least, I can breathe easy tonight.\”

Lan Haiyang led Cheng Jian put of the elevator and down a hall. Opening a door, he said, \”Here, come in.\”

Cheng Jian's eyes brightened in delight as he surveyed the apartment. Every piece of furniture in the living room to every painting hanging on the wall seemed to have an expensive story to tell. It had been so long since he had experienced luxury on such a personal level. \”Wow! This place is so nice.\” He complimented.

Before Lan Haiyang could reply, he hurried towards a couch and lay on it. The couch was so soft, it seemed to caress his body. In a voice that sounded very much like a moan, he asked, \”Can I crash on this couch?\”

Lan Haiyang scratched his head. He hadn't invited his friend over so he could sleep on a couch. Sarcastically, he said, \”If you like this couch, you'll love the bed even more. And there's even two of it. You can sleep on the one you prefer.\”

Cheng Jian shrugged up. \”God, Haiyang. Let me stay with you for the rest of my life.\”

\”Are you asking my hand in marriage? Because I will marry you.\”

Cheng Jian cocked his head to the right. \”If that's what it takes to be able to sit on this couch every day. Then we should get married.\”

Lan Haiyang chuckled. \”You can stay, of course.\”

\”I... I was kidding.\” Cheng Jian pointed out.

Lan Haiyang shook his head. \”I wasn't. You should move in here with me.\”

\”I can't do that. I wouldn't want to impose like that.\”

Lan Haiyang smiled. New considerate Cheng Jian isn't so bad. \”It's not an imposition, I promise. I could really use the company.\”

\”But you rented this place for privacy, didn't you?\”

\”I can still have privacy when I need it. There are two bedrooms.\”

\”Oh! Is that so?\”

\”Yes. You should totally move in.\”

Cheng Jian sighed. \”Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to afford the rent.\”

\”You don't have to. I don't even know how much renting this place costs. Boss is the one who takes care of that.\”

\”You lucky thing.\”

Lan Haiyang smiled. \”You know, If you're not worried about paying rent, you can quickly save up more money to pay your loan.\”

Cheng Jian nodded in agreement. \”Haiyang, you're a good friend. We should totally have sex after I take a shower.\”


\”I miss having sex... We should do it. Together.\”

Lan Haiyang raised a brow at that proposal. \”How long has it been for you?\”