27 THE VICTOR (1/2)
Standing outside Xuan Tianmei's office door, Xuan Tianyi took a deep breath. With his photoshoot coming soon, he'd have to face Xuan Tianmei sooner or later. He figured it would be better sooner than later. And in private. After a minute's hesitation, Xuan Tianyi knocked on the door, then pushed it open.
The minute he walked through the door, he noticed an object flying towards him. Instinctively, he dodged. When he peeked at the object, he noticed it was a purse. Xuan Tianmei's purse.
”You fucking idiot,” Xuan Tianmei cursed as she threw another object at him.
”Aiya! Chill, won't you?” Xuan Tianyi questioned as he again dodged the object. This sister of his was batshit crazy.
Xuan Tianmei threw herself into her brother's arms, cursing at the same time, ”You idiot. You had me so worried about you.”
Xuan Tianyi held her in a tight embrace and apologized, ”I know. I'm sorry. I should've called.”
”You didn't pick up my calls either. I was so worried about you. After you came back from jail, you followed me home, then just disappeared for almost two weeks. How's that fair?”
”It's not, I'm sorry.”
Xuan Tianmei broke into a small sob and held Xuan Tianyi tighter. ”You're such an idiot.”
”I know,” Xuan Tianyi agreed with her. He was an idiot that didn't deserve her love. ”Don't cry anymore, I'm here now.”
Xuan Tianmei pulled away and cleaned the tears from her eyes. ”Who's crying? Do you think you can make me cry?”
”So you're not crying because of me?”
Xuan Tianmei shook her head.
”You're not even crying at all, Huh?” Xuan Tianyi teased.
Xuan Tianmei shook her head again.
”So, I'm not the reason you look like a hag?”
”Who looks like a hag?” Xuan Tianmei threw a small, painless, punch at her brother's chest.
”Ah!” Xuan Tianyi pretended it hurt.
Xuan Tianmei dragged Xuan Tianyi to a black sofa in the North of her office. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.
”Seriously,” Xuan Tianyi observed. ”You look frazzled.”
Xuan Tianyi held Xuan Tianmei's face with both hands, then released it. ”Yeah. Your eyes are sunken and your hair is unkempt.”
”Ai! See what you did to me.”
Xuan Tianyi smiled with sadness in his eyes. ”I'm sorry. I should've called.”
”It's alright. But what have you been up to? Why did you disappear like that?”
”So many questions. Which do you want me to answer first?”
”All of them.”
”Ah! I just remembered something.”
”Can you loan me some money?”
”Of course. Wait! Is that why you came here?”
Xuan Tianyi chuckled. ”No. Of course, it wasn't. It's just that I was here and I suddenly remembered I could ask you, so I did.”
”Okay. How much do you want?”
”Err… Like a thousand dollars.”
”What do you need that kind of money for?”
”Upkeep. Till I get paid for my next job.”
”Didn't they pay you for your last job?”
”They did.”
”What did you do with the money?”
”If I told you, you wouldn't believe it.”
”Try me.”
”I…” Xuan Tianyi scratched his head. This would be difficult to explain. ”I... bought a Rolex for my boyfriend.”
”You have a boyfriend.” Xuan Tianmei said flatly.
Xuan Tianyi nodded.
”And you bought a Rolex.”
Xuan Tianyi nodded again.
Xuan Tianmei sighed. ”If you don't want to tell me what you did with your money, that's your business. It has nothing to do with me. Just don't tell me a stupid lie.”
Xuan Tianyi chuckled. ”I told you you wouldn't believe it.”
”How can I believe something like that?”
”Well, believe it or not, it's true.”
”How so? Who would date you?”
”Literally anyone would date me. Do you see how handsome I am?”
”Who's this guy with such low self-esteem he would go out with you?”
Xuan Tianyi bit his tongue. How would Hua Zhendan react if he learned what Xuan Tianmei had just said about him?
”He doesn't have low self-esteem. We're in love with each other.” Xuan Tianyi explained.
Xuan Tianmei's face had turned pale from disbelief. ”You're in love with each other.”
”Very much so.”
”I don't understand any of this.”
”What's difficult to understand? I met a guy, I fell in love and he loves me too, so we're dating.”
”When and where exactly did you meet this man?”
”At the French Red Wine Pub. And we... Got together the night I was arrested.”
Many things ran through Xuan Tianmei's mind at that moment. ”Is it someone I know? I have a feeling it's President Hua. Please don't tell me it's President Hua. It's him, isn't it? That was why you bought a Rolex, right? To try and buy his affection?”
Xuan Tianyi frowned at her as she kept mumbling. She was so unsettled that he might be dating Hua Zhendan. It was difficult to imagine how she would react if she found out who his boyfriend truly was. ”What's so bad with me dating Hua Zhendan anyway?”
”Everything. He's your boss. Are you a fool? People would think you're getting favors from him because he's your boss. And you never think of me. I would feel awkward all the time. And if you guys broke up, my job would be in jeopardy. Even yours.”
”Ai! All of these plenty talk because you don't want me to date him? You can rest easy, he's not the one I'm dating.”
Xuan Tianmei sighed in relief. ”That's good.”
Xuan Tianyi frowned. He didn't like that he had lied to his sister about his relationship. Still, he couldn't help the sentiment that his affair with Hua Zhendan was something he ought to protect from everyone. Including her. Everything has been going swimmingly for them and he didn't want that to change. This little protest from her was a kind of negative energy he didn't want near this good thing he had going.
”Is it Tan Yao?”
”Are you crazy? Why would it be Tan Yao?”
”Why not?”
”Because I hate that guy.”
”I see... Well, is he someone I know?”
Xuan Tianmei had never been this intrusive in his life. It was nearly funny to Xuan Tianyi. ”Are you gonna give me the money?”
”Of course, I am. But your photoshoot is tomorrow. Do you really need the loan?”
”Wait. Tomorrow?”
”Yeah. At the Blue Sea Beach. You didn't know that?”
”No. I wasn't aware of that.”
”You should confirm from President Hua. He's your manager, isn't he?”
Xuan Tianyi nodded with a frown on his face. Why didn't Hua Zhendan tell him this earlier? He quickly concluded that Hua Zhendan must have had his reasons.
”I'll ask him.”
Just as he spoke, Xuan Tianyi's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID. It was Hua Zhendan. He smiled. His heart still skipped a beat whenever Hua Zhendan called him. Reluctantly, he rejected the call and tucked the phone in his pocket.
”Oh! You're not going to get that?”
”No. I'll just call back later.”
”It was your boyfriend, wasn't it? You had such a big smile on your face when the phone was ringing.”
”I... I'll call him back later.”
Back in his office, Hua Zhendan was irritated. Xuan Tianyi had never rejected his call before. Impatiently, he rang Su Yang who picked up immediately.
”Where's Xuan Tianyi right now?”
”With his sister. In her office. Why?”
”Are you sure?”