162 The Friendship Game (1/2)

”We will continue later,” said Richard as he got up. He was back to his serious self.

”Don't forget our deal, old pervert. You can't disappear all by yourself!” Linri shouted as he watched Richard's back. He hoped that this conversation was enough to change the future. If possible he didn't want to fight with him.

Now it was his turn to leave too. He got up and walked through the door. It was another long corridor. Eventually, the road diverged into two. His watch directed him to take the left path. At the end of the corridor, there was a bright light. When he walked towards it, his eyes couldn't get used to the light. When they finally did, Lini found out that he was standing on top of something like a balcony. There were nine other similar ones around him and they made a complete circle. In front of him was a tablet and there were eight other people standing on the other balconies. One of them was empty which was kinda weird. Normally everyone should have already arrived. Anyway, that was not important for now.

Linri looked at the inspected all the balconies searching for a certain someone. His eyes stopped moving around when they fell onto a girl with short brown hair. Her eyes were brown and she was wearing a little flower clasp on her hair. She was Riku's older sister and a senior in Autumnfall. She was Muffin's second student character and a carbon copy of the railgun from the Certain Scientific X series. Basically, she was a lightning mage.

”What are you looking at?” she asked Linri with hostility.

”Your flat chest” Linri replied with his trademark sarcasm.

Her background was a little special. She was the oldest child of the Hagane clan, an established family of darkness mages. Normally she was supposed to be their heir but it turned out she had no affinity with darkness and instead her affinity lied in lightning which the clan did not appreciate. That was why she was ostracized. Riku, on the other hand, did not want to be the heir but the job fell into his shoulders which strained their sibling relationship.

”You!” Rina seemed like she was about to explode. Her flat chest was a taboo that shouldn't be mentioned along with her family.

”What? Can't a man appreciate a perfectly good flat chest?” Linri replied again in his sarcasm.

He did not like her at all. Personally, there was nothing wrong with their interactions or anything. It was just that since Max really liked ATLA series he always saw lightning as a more advance form of fire hence his character Linri had a one-sided rivalry with her but Rina never paid attention to it. Of course, Linri tried to find ways to beat her and Muffin made fun of Max's actions. He wasn't a good RPer and when Muffin learnt that Max was making combat simulations in his mind to find a way to beat Rina he didn't let him see the end of it. Ugh, just the sight of her was enough to make him angry. He did not remember the last time he was humiliated so much. Yeah, maybe he was wrong with taking out his anger on Rina but he did not really care.

”Can you guys stop with your bickering?” a boy with green hair told them to shut up. His name was Ryan Moore. He was another freshmen in Linri's class and he was a little bit on the short side. From his appearance, he looked like he was one of those little cute shota types. You know, the ones you would want to protect and pinch their cheeks. However, unlike his appearance, Ryan had a very harsh personality.


Linri looked behind to see that the corridor he took to come here was not there anymore. Then the tablet in front of Linri suddenly lit up. On it, there were the rules of the game they were about to play.


The Friendship Game