161 The Sovereign (1/2)

”So, what you are telling me is; the girl you loved and your childhood friend died just because you became a Sovereign of Darkness? Did I get that right?” Linri asked in a questioning tone.


”And, you blame yourself for their deaths?”


”NO FUCKING WAY! I don't believe that story one bit! You portrayed yourself like a saint! There is no way the pervert I know would be like that!”

”I became a pervert afterwards...”

”So you would kill your own students for him?”


Linri heaved a deep sigh. He wanted to strangle this idiot. He still did not believe his story but even if he did he could not understand Richard. From his perspective Dumbledoor was right. The sooner Leon had accepted the reality of his situation the better it would have been for him. Instead because of his fragile ego, Leon had caused the death of his friend and himself.

”Wait, you said you went to a mage school named Hogwash, right? What happened to it? Does it still exist?”

”It should be but I haven't talked to those guys in ages. They are all stuck up and don't fit my style”

”FUCK YOUR STYLE! You just admitted that you would kill me for a 'dead' friend”

”No, I didn't say that!”

”Then what? Are you going to ignore Leon when he comes to ask help from you? Listen to me, that guy is not your friend. He only wants to destroy everything you hold dear as revenge. He blames you for his death just like you blame yourself. Don't trust him and especially DONT FUCKING KILL YOUR STUDENTS!”


”No buts! Fuck that guy! Don't forget he is the reason your girlfriend died. He is the one that took your happy life away from you”

Richard did not answer him but just stayed silent. Linri literally wanted to strangle him right now. How could he be so selfish or rather selfless? Know your fucking role! You are supposed to be the fun old pervert, not some fucking marauder for your friend! Linri swore to god that he didn't understand this main character types. Can't you just be a little selfish and stab your friends in the back?

”Okay! We are going to do it like this. If you dare to work together with Leon I will kill myself. I don't even need to do that since you will kill me but still. My blood will be on your hands. If you don't want me to die don't listen to him. Otherwise, you know the consequences. I can't waste any more time on you” Since Richard refused to see the most logical conclusion of screwing Leon, he decided to threaten him with his own life. He still did not know the reason but Richard seemed to care for him and he was going to stop him this way. If this also didn't work sorry Richard but Linri had to kill you.

”Then you are going to seek help from your parents!” Richard responded his ultimatum with one of his own.

”NO FUCKING WAY! I am destined to die and nothing can change that. I don't want my parents to feel anxious about me. How can they even help me anyway? So what if my mom is a genius like you claimed? Can she even fix this? Do you honestly believe that?”

”Yes, I do!”

Now it was Linri's turn to feel complicated. He didn't want to go through his evolution yet. His [Ex-Burst] hadn't even appeared let alone messing up the timeline.

”How about, you don't work with Leon and if I am still alive after that event I will go to seek help from my parents? I should still have time after his attack and that way I would also make sure you wouldn't do something crazy in my absence and join sides with him?”

”Then why don't I just go together with you? It has been some time since I last saw my star pupil and that way you wouldn't have to risk your life?”

”Ugh, but without me who is going to stop's Leon's fire form? According to the future I saw, I manipulate his own flames and kill him with that”

”What's that now?”

When he heard Richard's question Linri remembered the talk about Sovereigns and how they could control their respective elements fully, including their enemies. Linri had to admit that it sounded pretty similar to his [Ice/Fire Manipulation] ability. Still, unlike a proper mage, Linri knew that it was because of the gods' powers and he would lose it when he completely assimilates their powers and make them his own.

”Yeah, well, I kinda can manipulate Ice and Fire just like the Sovereigns you described but I think it has to do with Gods' powers and not something I possess naturally”

Richard then grabbed Linri by the shoulders excitedly.

”And you took this long to tell me about it! Also, we can't be sure what if you are not also a Sovereign like me?”

”How the fuck was I supposed to know that? I wasn't raised as a mage remember? Only things about supernatural I know comes from this school. If you are going to blame me for not saying, I am going to blame your school's education. Shouldn't you guys teach about this stuff in class? There is not even a proper magic course!”