128 Complicated (1/2)

Linri was having breakfast in the cafeteria. He was thinking about yesterday's events. Should he really say sorry to Jaime? It seemed like the correct course of action. If he said sorry he was sure that Jaime would forgive him and their relationship would return the way it was. The old Max would have done this but he was not Max, he was Linri and he didn't want to do it. At least in this world, he didn't need 'shields'. He needed real friends and if he said sorry their friendship would only be at the surface level. Because Linri really did not think that he was really in the wrong this time. Did she really not understand him or was she just ignoring his intentions out of convenience?

\”So what was the deal yesterday?\” Kris asked as he sat in front of him with a tray in hand.

\”What was the deal with what?\” Linri feigned ignorance.

\”The thing that happened with Jaime? I thought you guys were pretty close. Come on, you can let out all your troubles to this big brother of yours. I have lots of experience with ladies\” Kris asked smugly. Linri really wanted to punch him in the face right now. Actually, he noticed that these days he was getting more and more violent. It shouldn't be that much of an issue since the OG Linri had gone through the same thing, this must be the result of his bloodline awakening. He was becoming more animalistic. He even looked the part. His canine teeth were too long and poking out of his lips and his hair was pointy and scruffy. If you let him out in a forest most people would think he was a savage, if they can get past his charming looks that is.

\”Okay here is the TLDR. She likes me, I like her, she wants to date me, I don't want to date her, she feels angry that I don't tell her stuff, I don't want to tell her stuff. Simple enough for you?\” Linri said as he took a huge bite out of his toast. It was really tasty and if he could just find marmelide it would have been perfect.

\”Wait, wait. One thing at a time. So if you like her why don't you want to date her?\” Kris asked seriously. Linri didn't want to admit it but he really had that big brother vibe going right now. He looked more truthworthy all of a sudden. Where did the original lame Gendor go? Was he messing with him?

\”It's because I am engaged back in our own world and I don't want to cheat on her\” Linri explained after some internal conflict.

\”That's not really much of a reason now is it? I bet 'he' is already all over her. So why don't you do the same to 'him'. Isn't Jaime supposed to be 'his' girlfriend?\” Linri clenched the fork in his hand so hard that veins were popping out of them.

\”Kris, if you don't want to die an agonizing death be careful of what you say, okay?\” Linri was smiling but he really wasn't smiling. His wild aura was leaking out.

\”Why? You don't like others touching your possessions or do you really like her that much?\” Kris asked. He wasn't one bit intimidated by Linri.

Linri, on the other hand, donned a complicated expression. He didn't know how to answer him.

\”Well, I can't say that I hate others taking my thing but I can't say that I love her either. It's complicated. I don't think I love her but at the same time, I can't let others have her\” Linri wasn't even sure why he said these things. Usually, he would just close up all this stuff deep in his heart. Why was he so talkative today anyway?

\”Again, doesn't that mean you love her?\” Kris asked while starting to peel a hard-boiled egg.

\”No, I am pretty sure it's not that. She is just special to me. I just want to pay her back whatever the cost. That's why I even started dating her anyway\”

\”Dude, have you heard this saying; a man's heart is as vast as the ocean while a woman's is as narrow as a needle. It means that we can have multiple people we love at the same time while a woman can only love a single person. So why not just go for Jaime. You know, she was our club's little sister I wouldn't really give her to anyone\” said Kris while putting his hand over Linri's shoulder. That was when Jaime walked past them but she didn't even look at them.

Goddammit, why did relationships had to be so hard? Can't you just let him have peace and scheme in the background? Curse you OG Linri!!

Linri put his hand over Kris' and looked at him with stars in his eyes. This was a true bro moment.

\”You know that was total bullshit right?\” Linri said as he started to crush Kris' hand with his [1.5 x Above-average Strength]

\”Ow ow ow ow ow\” seeing him squeal like a pig Linri put even more pressure.

\”If you are going to give bad advice like that don't even bother talking to me again. To think that I even took you seriously for a second there\” Linri said as he let go and got up from his seat.

\”Asshole! I don't even get what she sees in you!\” Kris shouted while rubbing his hand. This guy was really hard to talk to. Why did he have to get so violent all of a sudden? Isn't creating a harem should be every man's dream? Even if you don't like the idea you don't have to crush my bones okay!

The morning class started just like normal. Today, their first lesson was English Literature with Mr Hawke. It really didn't fit his image to talk about classics like Romeo and Juliet. He looked like such a scruffy guy who wouldn't even know the meaning of love but he was explaining it in such a passion that you would think he was Romeo himself. The problem was the content of the lesson was too low-levelled for Linri. He had graduated from college for god's sake. Let me see you write a whole research paper about Robinson Crusoe and how he was the embodiment of the idea of capitalism and then talk to me about English Literature.

Once the class was over Linri did not know what to do. He didn't want to talk to anyone and he didn't want to go outside either. So he just sat on the desk and looked at his stats. He was updating his own information and even found some useful functions he hadn't noticed before. Like, this little thing could actually quantify his health and prana along with his stamina. It was really neat. Though that would make this world more and more like a game for him so he really wasn't sure if it was that good for his psyche.


Name: [Linri Harclaw]

Health: 100 / 100