127 The Introductions (1/2)
\”Okay, my turn. I am Spark. I used to be Alina Beau and was 19 years old. I am Romanian obviously. Both of my parents are college professors and that's about it. As for Jaime, she is just an orphan detective. Her family died in an accident leaving her a sword. So nothing special about me\” compared to others' Jaime's introduction was really plain. Actually, now that he thought about it most of the stuff related to her was plain. Huh, interesting. She also liked vanilla over other flavours didn't she? Maybe being plain was her thing.
\”Hello, I am Zena. My name was Blake Hamilton. A college student with football scholarship, meaning I was an American. My character is Forneus Grim or Fosse for short. He was from an island surrounded by vampires. Basically, everyone living there was livestock. One day the vampires chose his mother and Fosse couldn't back down and attacked them. As you might have guessed it didn't work and they beat him till he was half-dead. Afterwards, they proceeded to eat his mother in front of his eyes. That event broke him and for some unknown reason, they kept him as a pet. Afterwards, vampire hunters invaded the island killed the vampires but by then Fosse was already on his of becoming a vampire. However, his future master Brigitte De Clare took pity on her and sealed his vampiric blood. The condition was if Fosse became a vampire she would kill him. Though as a result Fosse lost his sight and gained the [Sound Wave] ability and he has deep hatred for their kin.\” Zena's explanation was more detailed than the others' which picked Linri's interest. He probably had an ulterior motive by telling them this much and Linri could kind of guess what if was. You see, in the club, Fosse had actually released his seal and became a full-on vampire. Maybe Zena wanted to go the same route and wanted allies for when his master finally comes to hunt him down. Then again that was an accident so he might be over thinking it.
\”My turn. So I am Gendor. My name is Kris Kuzenov, a Russian. I was 27 years old and I made my living by selling booze. I had inherited the family liquor store. However, thanks to certain someone my backstory in this world changed. My name is now Kris McKinnon. Sarah McKinnon the scientist who created this body made a deal with Linri and they broke me out of the secret research facility so I am basically a fugitive now. You guys already know my ability [AT-Field]. That's about everything\” Kris did not forget to mention his name. Still, why did Linri feel like he had a grudge against him? It was probably his imagination and had nothing to do with the fact that he threatened the kill him. Yep, it definitely had nothing to do with it.
It was finally Kou's turn. He seemed hesitant to talk though. Finally, after taking a deep breath he opened his mouth.
\”Hello, I am Kou. I was Katherine Taylor. I'm 21 years old-\”
\”Wait? Katherine? What kind of a naming sense did your parents have? Who would name their son Katherine? And I thought Ai was a bad name\” TBB chimed in.
\”We-well. I was, I mean I am a girl\”
\”WHAT!?\” TBB exclaimed.
\”Yes, well I created a male character in the club so-\”
\”Wait, wait, wait. Wasn't that bastard Canaas your twin brother? How the hell didn't he mention this before?\” Linri could not help but ask. Canaas was one of the admins so Linri really had a bone to pick with him.
\”Actually, Canaas is my twin but not my brother\”
\”So you are telling me, that bastard is actually a bitch?\” Linri wanted to wrap his head around the situation.
\”Can you stop bad-mouthing her?\” Kou asked angrily.
\”Can she stop being a bitch?\”
\”She is not that bad!\”
\”Really?\” Linri put emphasis on his question.
\”Yeah, well, she is still my sister!\” Kou started fidgeting. Seems like even he or rather she couldn't find any good words to say about her. However, that didn't mean that she was going to let others talk bad about her sister.
\”Fine... By the way, what pronoun do we use for you? He or she?\” He asked as he didn't want to accidentally offend him or her.