17 The Training From Hell (1/2)
After breakfast Linri together with Arkady headed for the backyard. Linri now had an additional bandage over his nose aside from his already black and blue face.
As per his father's instructions Linri started to warm up. His mother was on the veranda and she was pouring herself and Jaime tea. Jaime had the Book of Silver Sword on her hands and was carefully reading it while drinking the tea Lyra poured for her.
”So? What's the plan? What are you gonna teach me?” Linri was very eager about this training session. According to his backstory Arkady was the son of Alpha. Any technique he knew couldn't be shabby right? In the RP Max usually made Arkady fought in his half-transformation forms so since he didn't know any kind of fighting technique IRL he could not implement them into his game. But it was different now. Arkady was a flesh and blood real person now so he definitely knew stuff that Max did not.
”Don't be so eager. A forest didn't grow in a day you know. Now imitate me.” said Arkady and took a fighting stance. It was the mountain stance the most basic kind of fighting stance. This stance focused on the balance of the human body and covered for the every weak balance point. If you could take the stance firmly without any kind of mistake there was no way that you would lose balance and fall down in a fight.
Linri imitated Arkady and took the stance. Arkady then came and corrected Linri's stance. He straightened his back, made sure that his feet were apart from his body by a perfect 90 degrees and made him bend his knees as much as Linri could.
”Now what?” Linri asked eagerly.
”Now? Now we wait.” said Arkady and picked up a thin branch from the ground. When he swung it, it made a sharp 'fwoosh' sound.
”What do you mean?” asked Linri. When he talked his unconsciously rose a little and his father hit his thigh with the branch. Linri immediately felt an unbearable burning sensation and fell to the ground while holding his leg and started to roll around with teary eyes.
”Come on dont be such a baby. In military we had it much worse. *Shakes head* Kids these days. Can't even take this amount of pain” said in Arkady a disappointed tone.
”Don't give me that wise old master crap Dad. Even you would roll in the ground if you were suddenly shot in the leg.” said Linri while wiping his tears.
Arkady gave a smug look to Linri.
”What do you know? Right now I can even be shot by 5 times and I wouldn't even flinch.” said Arkady pridefully. Linri knew that he was not lying so he did not say anything in return and took the stance again.