16 The Second Phase (1/2)

While they finally arrived at the guest room. Jaime was going to say something but she was stopped by Linri. He signalled her to be quiet. Jaime was taken back. Honestly at this point if Linri said there was a sound sensitive monster in the room she would just say 'f*ck it' and go out in the woods to sleep.

Linri typed something in his phone and handed it to Jaime.

'Werewolf=Acute hearing. Don't talk. We just met today. No Autumnfall'

Reading that Jaime understood why he stopped her. Still she could not help but feel that living in this house was like a ticking time bomb. Just yesterday she was havinga normal life. Now she was under the same roof with a werewolf. Wait. Didn't Kasaix said they had bloodlust?

This time it was Jaime's turn to type in the phone and handed it back to Linri.

'Werewolf bloodlust danger?'

Linri seemed like he was thinking before typing.

'No?' before waiting for her reply he immediately turned back and left the room.

”Anyway you can see where everything is. Goodnight!” so Linri left like that leaving behind a dazed Jaime.

What did he mean by No. Why was there a question mark. You are a god damn question mark. Your whole family is a question mark you weirdo. She was very angry and scared at the same time. Arkady wouldn't do anything to her right. Right?

Jaime was not able to get a good sleep that night because of the question mark Linri put. When she closed her eyes she could see a savage werewolf looking at her.

So the morning arrived.

When Linri got up and took his shower he could already here voices downstairs. It seemed like they had already started the breakfast. After putting on Linri's iconic black shirt and pants he also made his way downstairs and saw his parents and Jaime having a hefty breakfast. Jaime had black black circles around her eyes. It seemed like she was still disturbed over what happened last night which was reasonable.

”Good morning.” said Linri while yawning and pulled a chair to sit down. He was sitting opposite to his father and right next to Jaime.

”Oh yeah Jaime now that I think about it. I dont think I got your number last night.” said Linri casually.

”Linri, dont tell me you are trying to pick me up?” said Jaime playfully and with a smug look on her face. She wanted to get back at Linri for the joke last night and embarrass him in front of his parents. At least she thought it was a joke. Yep definitely a joke.

”What's wrong with me trying to pick up my future girlfriend?” Linri said sarcastically. The thing was it didn't sound sarcastic at all. Immediately the kitchen turned quiet. It sounded like his mother dropped something but Linri couldn't see it clearly since she was washing the dishes in front of the sink.