Chapter 402: Faith (1/2)
[For more authority, and options please upgrade the newly added Innate Skill: [Primal Heritage: ?????] (Level 1 - Progress: 1%)]
[Note: The skill is unique and locked. Progress can only be made by unlocking more of the dormant knowledge, and by utilizing the available divinities.]
'What the…' Once more, for the umpteenth time, Aiden turned speechless at the updates of the system.
'How do I already have progress in a skill that I have just gained?' He asked inwardly.
'[Every time you actively use your divinity, the skill would gain progress. For example, if you come to Haven, and spend your accumulated faith, your proficiency with the skill will increase. Although the gains may be marginal, remember you will gain more and more knowledge as you continue on your quest to visit all of the Primal shrines.]' Enya's voice came a moment later, shedding some light on the mystery.
'I see…' He mumbled, taking a breath of the fresh Haven air, and forcefully calming himself down.
A few moments later, returning to his senses, he once again focused on the Screen Map still floating in front of his eyes.
His gaze first wandered to the thin stream of the river that sailed across the plains seemingly, uncertain where it was actually coming from or where it was actually flowing towards.
Regardless of what the explanation was, it didn't matter at the moment. Aiden focused his attention on the area next to the village of Gupta, and in his mind reached for the river tiles.
Slowly, but steadily, he stretched it out, reshaping it, turning it from a simple stream into a large, beautifully almond-shaped lake, whilst also giving it a bit more depth than before.
He also made sure to keep a constant eye on the cost, as it was absolutely vital that he retains around half of the available 992 Faith Points for the second part of his plan.
In the end, he spent a bit over 300 Points reforming the small riverbed into a spacious and deep lake. He even made sure to create a couple of underwater caverns, and crevices, whilst also retaining a bit of the soil for some flora to spread and grow there eventually.
Once that was done, he shifted his attention focusing it on the other, eastern end of the settlement. Making sure to give another tile of free space to expand the farmlands, he reached for several markers spread in a straight line running parallel with the river, and with a swift motion, he raised the landscape by pulling the markers to greater heights.
Aiden spent the next couple of minutes in creating a shape of an elevated region, something similar to a not-too-steep nor-too-high mountainous hillside watching with growing sadness as his remaining points tanked at a rapid pace ultimately stopping at a whopping 53 points, making his overall estimated cost at 950 Faith. In the end, he gave a gentle curve to the straight line of what he planned the hillside should be, creating a sort of natural barrier that gently covered one side of the constantly developing village.
What he planned was a very simple knowledge about how rainwater was made. With constant steady sunshine, the evaporating lake water would turn into small puffy white clouds carrying their weight towards the inland, over the village. When reaching the mountain range, the climb would cause it to cool and condense ultimately losing most of the vapor as rain that would, hopefully, fall down on the farmlands spread around the hillside.
Well, that was what Aiden could recall from his studies from his previous life… He could only hope that his idea would bear some fruit, otherwise, he would not just waste all the points he created since the arrival of these brave pioneers, but would also potentially question their belief, their devotion.
Although, after witnessing as the landscape shifts and suddenly reshapes itself, Aiden honestly didn't know what the end result would be in terms of his Faith Point Accumulation.