Chapter 401: Divinities (1/2)
Enya's explanation was, once again, shocking, to say the least. Aiden was frozen, looking flabbergasted as he tried to process all the information that she just revealed in a couple of short sentences.
Seeing his reaction, the naughty spirit had the urge to chuckle at his master's facial expression. Still, instead of that, he reassured the stunned boy.
'[Don't worry about it too much for the time being, Aiden. Just remember that all the actions that you do, will eventually have an effect on your power here. The more the people believe in you, the more they turn towards you with their woes, the more power, more faith you will generate. In turn, you will be able to invest these points, this resource into changing whatever your heart's desire.]'
'I… I get that, I truly do… What I don't understand…' After she explained it for the second time, Aiden finally broke through his reverie and gave a mental head-shake. His problem wasn't how the points were generated, that was easy. What shocked him was the latter part of her briefing. '…was with the whole law thing…'
'What are these laws you were speaking about?' He asked with burning curiosity.
'[Well…]' However, Enya suddenly seemed hesitant to speak, to delve into the topic. She turned silent for a while, before eventually saying. '[Laws are related to Divinities, the Power that makes gods… well, gods. They are powers that ultimately make up the world. Not just Eora, or Haven but the entire universe, the cosmos… everything.]'
Her voice dwindled down once again, turning silent for a couple of brief seconds before the sound of a sigh could be heard, causing Aiden to raise his eyebrows with confusion for a second.
Could a spirit, a metaphysical entity even do such a thing?
Anyway, before he could dwell and ponder on the topic, the mature-sounding spirit lady continued.
'[There are various different laws that together, build up everything you see, feel, touch and experience. You have already got in contact with many of them, but your comprehension, your understanding of the matter was shallow at the time. As you will progress, and go stronger, as you will unlock more of the mysteries of your heritage, you will eventually understand more. Before that, I…]'
Her voice, which usually carried a gentle warmth, turned sour towards the end, losing its power and momentum as she continued to speak. Just like before, there seemed to be clearly defined boundaries she just couldn't push through. Whenever she crossed a line or got to a topic that seemed to be closer to her real identity, a higher power struck down and forced her back to her allowed 'space'.
Once again, she turned silent, even her presence faded for a brief moment before returning a few brief seconds later. Once more, her tone turned colder, monotone, emotionless.
'[Once you complete more of the trials and unlock more of your true powers, you will be allowed to gain more knowledge. Before that, unfortunately, such information is unavailable to you.]'
Feeling the change of tone and way of mannerism, Aiden could feel the pain, the worry in her heart. Still, he could only grit his teeth and nod. He was still too weak, whatever entity was behind all of this, was still too far away from his reach.
Deciding that it was best to not waste any more of his precious, limited remaining time, Aiden sighed, focusing his attention on the system's top-down representation of his surroundings.
A thin layer of the white, semi-transparent dotted halo was placed over the map. Focusing on one of these white marks closest to their location to the north, his face turned into an elated smile. It turned out they were interactable, he could push, pull, twist, churn these points, causing the landscape on the map to shift according to his design.
Once he released one of these markers, his changes would remain, showing a holographic 3-dimensional image atop the map. On the bottom right corner, a new small window appeared, giving the option to 'Confirm' or 'Cancel' his changes, whilst also showing the approximated 'cost' with a summary of the changes he made.