16 The Famous General is a Flower Boy? (1/2)

During the weeks she had been on the Jiang Family Manor, Sam developed a somewhat easy going routine. She would wake up early every day to have breakfast with her siblings, after which Qing Shan would usually ask her on a stroll through the gardens or even going back to their quarters for a more informal conversation.

The mornings were fairly easy to deal with, as everyone seemed so ready to help and talk to her (that is, everyone except the house servants, which seemed to always vanish on thin air whenever they saw her alone). The afternoons were another matter entirely.

Despite what its placid exterior seemed to impart, Sam soon found out the Jiang Household needed quite a lot of work - and just how much work her sister had to do everyday only for the roof not to collapse over their heads.

To have such a smooth and healthy environment...? Sam trembled only remembering everything her sister would do, being called back and forth to solve every single trifling matter. It wouldn't be uncommon for her to lay back at night, fighting sleep, while thinking about the life she was being presented to.

It was hard not to question whether all those chores were the rule at every noble manor, or if the Jiang's were having a particularly trying life.

”It doesn't matter how much time has passed, a scandal is always a scandal” she concluded, and her new family seemed to still be elbows deep on the shady matter with their father.

With all things considered, Sam decided she had to make something out of herself instead of only going around and being in Qing Shan's way all the time (she could swear Zi Zhou had given her an annoyed glare more than once when she thought Sam was distracted).

As laying down, relaxing and reading a good book was NOT an option, she decided to try writing about this new experience, registering some thoughts and amusing memories of her past with Amelia and her parents. Soon, though, the activity turned gloomy, and Sam decided that, if she didn't find something to coccus rather than diving head first in the past, she would end up a puddle of wallowing and self-pity.

”Ah Mei” she had asked her maid eventually ”What is it that young girls do in this place to amuse themselves?”.

If the girl's shocked, round eyes were anything to go with, Sam was quite sure she had said the wrong thing. Again.

”I mean” she added fast ”What did Ying... Ahem... eh... I. What did I usually do to pass the time?”.

Ah Mei frowned, still looking suspiciously at Sam, that tried keeping her best, brilliant smile.

”Xiaojie, you would usually sing, or play the Guqin with San Xiaojie” she answered slowly, as if choosing her words ”Miss would also embroider some handkerchiefs and paint”.

Sam blinked. A small trail of sweat laid down her neck.

”Hum... What else?”. Because, surely, there HAD to be something else!

”This servant heard Miss also enjoyed riding horses” the girl answered thoughtfully, a smile lighting her eyes ”Young Master used to praise Miss, saying you were one of the finest horsewoman's of his acquaintance”.

”Ah... He did, right?” sam laughed, crying inside her heart.

How come there was absolutely NOTHING to do that she actually knew how to?! Was that a curse??

”Walk” she had said briskly ”Let's walk”.

Rumbling the courtyards and large corridors was quite fascinating at the beginning, as everything looked different and so foreign in stile and coloring from what she was used to. But even that became boring after the third day.

That was how, on a very inconspicuous evening, when she was fanning herself under the shadow of a tree besides a very winded Ah Mei, she saw them. A group of large men, all of them wearing simple-coloring clothes, with leather protections and knifes and swords sheathed all over their bodies. In fact, the only thing missing from their rough appearances and tall frames were the metal plaques and war helmet.

”Ah... Ah Mei, who are those guys?”.

”Hum?” Ah Mei had grumbled, still a bit breathless, her eyes rising ”Ah... Xiaojie, those are high ranking war officials... They usually come by to speak with young master.”.

”Indeed?” Sam thought to herself, curiosity spiking up ”What could they probably have to talk so much about with him? Ah Mei, aren't you curious?”.

Ah Mei gasped.

”Xiaojie, you can't!” she grasped desperately at the elder girls robes, trying to stop her, but at that point, Sam was already halfway down, a spring on her steps as she followed those people through that maze of a house.

After arriving at her brother's courtyard, however, the only thing they were able to see, from a corner near the open windows, were hushed words and a small piece of paper changing hands, before the strange men bowed and took their leave.

That was how Fei Hong had found her the first time, being almost unable to hold in his smile at seeing the mischievous streak that had always been present on his sister return.

”Ah Ying!” he had called, startling the two girls almost to the point of making them fall face first on the ground ”It's good you're here! I was just about to begin a chess match. Would you like to join me?”.

And, just like that, Sam's afternoons became filled with conversations and encounters with her brother. Every now and them, while on her way to his place, she would still spot some military people, arising her curiosity once more, but whenever she asked her brother about it he would only sigh deeply, his left hand playing distractedly with the black pieces he was using.

”We are in a very delicate situation” he said once ”General He is still at the borders, trying to pacify the rebel leaders and find a solution that doesn't bring the entire Zao kingdom to war again...”.

”It doesn't look good, though, does it?” she asked tentatively.

”No” he agreed, grief coloring his voice ”It really doesn't.”.

And so the subject was dropped. She still saw the movement and couldn't shake the bad feeling it was giving her. But doesn't matter how much time passed, or how frustrated her brother looked, whenever they talked about General He, there was always a particularly type of light on his eyes. If she was not wrong, it was that kind of loyalty and almost idol-like warmth a younger brother had for an older one.

From everything she had heard about him, Sam decided, on her head, General He had indeed a very distinguish, very heroic persona. Probably middle-aged, with a few whites on his temple and a long scar crossing his right eyebrow. He would be tall, and stern, and have the kind of aura that commanded people around him. A war calloused men with rough personality and straight, direct manners.

So, when she saw the REAL men, the one supposed to be on the BORDERS being amazing and all that, she felt it all was a bit... Well... Anticlimactic.

'So... Fei Hong's famous General He... The kingdom's brightest star... Is actually a lovestruck flower boy?' she mused, sighing dramatically to herself. 'Too disappointing... Really disappointing'.

But then Qing Shan had gone back inside... And it was with a very cold, very painful shiver running down her spine that Sam watched, in growing panic, as the General's eyes turned cold, his lips thinned and an almost murderous, powerful aura enveloped him. It was almost as if she could feel it... Touch that energy with the tip of her fingers just by extending her hand.

”I know you are there Ying Yue.” he said, his voice resonating through her bones like the executioner's drums ”Don't insult me by pretending I didn't notice you”.

Paralyzed, terrified, and strongly considering fleeing for dear life, the only thing Sam was able to do was close her eyes, her head repeatedly knocking at the wall behind her. 'Ah! I'm done! I'm really done for this time! Heavens, why, why me?! Is this karma or retribution?!'.

”Xiaojie...!” Ah Mei whispered urgently, her hands tugging at the girl's sleeves repeatedly ”Xiaojie!!”

But Sam just couldn't bring herself to move. Frozen, her mind racing at a hundred miles per hour, she tried to rationalize the best course of action.

'Did he know I was here all along? But if he did, then... Then, why didn't he say anything earlier? He wouldn't want to vent all his unsuccessful romantic life frustrations upon me, would he? But surely he was not the kind of person to want THAT type of conversation being overheard...!'

”Not good” she whined, looking at Ah Mei with her heart on her mouth ”this is SO not good...!”.

”Xiaojie!! The General!!” Ah Mei hissed desperately, her eyes darting from the man to her mistress.

Sam stopped, looking indignantly at her.

”And what the hell do you want me to do?! Hein?!” she hissed back ”Just willingly present myself for sacrifice?!”.

Ah Mei blinked, looking expectantly at her.

Before she could muster enough indignation, the noise of something hitting the ground, hard, behind them had the both girls jumping up in fright, completely forgetting their current situation in between their fast-pounding hearts.

”Aya!” Sam exclaimed, looking around with a hand on her chest ”What the hell was tha...” she stopped mid-sentence, her eyes finally glancing by General He.

A perfect statue. If not for a few stones he was still carelessly trowing up and down on his right hand.