15 One Too Many Royals 2 : The Sneaky General (1/2)

”Qing Shan... Greets your Highness, General He”.

Qing Shan bowed on shaky legs, her head bent, her hands clasped so tightly in front of her she could see her knuckles turning white. All the while, it felts like her heart would finally succeed at opening a way out through her chest.

She breathed deeply, fighting the urge to lift her head. To look, just for one last time, at those deep, black eyes.

He wasn't supposed to be there. Fei Hong assured her he had already left!

Qing Shan hadn't expected the sudden knot on her throat, the weight of his gaze piercing her face, studying her expression.

And yet... Yet she knew, deep inside, it could never have been any different.

She wanted to laugh, and scream, and cry her pain to the heavens!

Instead, Qing Shan just breathed. Deep and controlled, cementing the mask of serenity and indifference she had been working so hard for over her face.

Fate felt particularly cruel that morning.

”It's been a long time” he eventually said, his words so soft, so gentle, that even the light summer breeze playing between the tree branches became still.

Qing Shan finally allowed herself to rise, her eyes closing for the briefest of seconds, feeling the light caress of his voice brushing over her.

”Qing Shan has been busy with household affairs... May General He, please, forgive your servant's oversight”. she answered politely, her voice low and steady, devoid of any emotion.

The air turned thicker, the tension so strong it could be cut with a knife.

From his position, General He just nodded, his lips curving in a sad smile.

”It was always warm when we used to meet... Even through the darkest of winters, it was always warm.” he said, his eyes lost in images long gone, one arm lifting slowly as he watched the bright rays of light play over the pale skin ”This morning, the sun is still high in the sky... I wonder why I suddenly feel so cold”.

Qing Shan stammered a step, going completely still once more as his words reached her like a slap.

”Knowing that I am the first in your heart... Qing Shan is already satisfied”.

She blinked, the sweet memory fading like polen scattered on the wind. They had so been young... Still clueless to the darkness of the world. For a fleeting moment, Qing Shan caught herself wishing she could somehow turn back the time, to go back to those hidden encounters, the smiles, the sweet words...

'Forget it' she chided herself, swallowing the sudden knot on her throat 'It is best this way'.

Breathing deeply, Qing Shan raised her eyes at him, her expression impassive despite the mess her thoughts had become. With her usual serene countenance in place, she walked slowly to a particularly beautiful bush to the side, full of small, colorful and bright blooms.

”This flower is called Morning-Bless...” she said eventually ”My brother brought it as a present the first time he went to battle... It is very beautiful, isn't it? Every bloom opening with different, vibrant colors such as this one...” Qing Shan picked one on her hand, her smile fading a little ”But did you know...? A Morning-Bless lives only for twelve hours... She is born with the first rays of light, and perishes just as the sun falls on the horizon.”

She turned to him, the small, beautiful flower still on her hand.

”Everyday, so much life begins... It's presence not longer than a fleeting breath to the world around them. Sometimes I wonder if, maybe, its short life doesn't make it even more alluring, as if desperately trying to leave a mark... Not to pass unnoticed”.

She finally let the small bloom fall, hooded eyes following its slow descent, till it hit the grass, all its colors faded into an old, dusty brownish gray.

”The most beautiful things... They are not ment to last for long”.

He didn't answer, only keeping his eyes on her face, as if trying to commit every line, every single crevice and curve to his memory. A man drowning on dry land.

”You should move on, Your Highness” she continued eventually ”Don't think anymore of things that can't be changed”. She gave a last, deep bow ”If your Highness does not object, Qing Shan will take her leave now”.

Just as she was turning to leave, though, his words made her stop once more.

”Fei Hong told me what happened to your sister” he said, watching her shoulders tense ”I'm sorry you had to go through that kind of pain again”.