169 Return to the Darkside pt 2 (1/2)

”What are you still doing here” roared Draig violently causing the Ancient Demon to realize he had spaced out briefly.

”My apologies senior I will complete the tasks immediately” spoke the Ancient Demon quickly before running into the very same curtain that had felled so many before him.

”Glahhhiik” came the cry before he fell to the ground steaming slightly.

Draig growled as he needed this gullible person gone now, walking over to the curtain Draig pulled it aside before scooting the Ancient Demon out of the entryway with his foot as if he was something innapropriate to touch.

Letting the curtain fall to its original position Draig began looking through the materials that had been brought for him, he would be lying if he said he recognized even half of these things but he did have a certain way of knowing which materials were of exceptional quality and which were not.

The Feratu merely surged his Mana into the objects which would get them to react but it would allow the Vampire to inpsect them for any bizarre abilites or qualities. It was a beautiful concept that he didn't truly have much hope for but it turned out that it almost acted like his old Appraisal skill in a way. It didn't list out the characteristics for as much as he felt the characteristics, it gave him a more hands on approach to learning about these things that he had previously never engaged with.

This was the reason he specifically said valuable ingredients and materials were to be brought instead of something more specific, it was simply him faking a grand persona. If he had been asked about a specific material or object his cover would have been blown but he was still confident that his Materialization with the Brush Avatar was more than capable of handling the Demons at that time. However this had worked out far better than he had originally thought, he was indeed profiting and now he was going to profit even more.

The thought of this almost brought Draig to tears as his laughter rang out echoing into the halls of the Dark Deva Hq, haunting those Deva who followed the Demonic path.

Elsewhere within the Deva Grounds, Chidori could be seen with her Lord Asura. She was dressed oddly as compared to her usual style in the way that the clothing that she had on was overly girly instead of something more funtional for battle.

”Aww Chidori, my precious granddaughter. You look so lovely today, dont' you agree captains” asked Lord Asura with a silly look upon his face as he opened his arms to hug Chidori.

The Captains were watching this with an unfazed expression as they had grown used to this kind of behavior from Lord Asura, however they had given up on trying to bring this person back to his old ways. The reason these powerful Deva who stood at the top of the world wouldn't dare say something about Lord Asura's act?

”I said Don't You Agree” hissed Lord Asura causing the captains to fearfully glance towards the sandles the man wore.

”Very Lovely miss Chidori” unisoned the Group.

”See, even these hardened buffoons agree and they have no taste” smiled Lord Asura as if this was a completely normal interaction.

”How much longer until the restructuring is complete” asked Chidori with a blank look.

She was still lost on what exactly had happened with her grandfather to make him this way, currently her theory rested on some type of brain born sickness that was slowly eating at his mind. Thus alleviating the man of his sanity.