135 Deva Association (1/2)

While the Subarashi Heirs were intent on seeing Draig once again the Deva Association had just received a report from one of their watchers.

Unlike what many had assumed about the Deva Association not caring or watching over the situation within the Deva Academy ground they in fact were it would seem. The Deva Watcher was a highly kept secret as only the Deva Association possessed these type of Deva, there Avatars and Materialization not suited for killing Demons though it was perfectly capable of doing so. These Deva were more suited to espionage work and were the technical spy group for the Deva Association but this Deva in particular had been tasked with an interesting mission.

The mission you may wonder?

That is to watch Draig, the reason being that as it would turn out the Deva Association had been keeping an eye out on the Subarashi Dynasty and had learned of the Vampire there. His ability with Runes having drawn their attention, it was a truly unique ability that hadn't been seen before but this is what had inspired the interest of the Deva Association.

”What have you come to report, I expect something of great interest since you have left your target unattended” stated a Middle aged looking man with grey hair though his eyes seemed to display an age much older than what he appeared.

”Lord Asura, reporting the person in question. The one who calls himself Draig has displayed an odd form of Materialization that isn't correspondent with his Avatar.” stated the Watcher.

”What do you mean” asked Asura with an interested gaze, since he had learned of Draig's existence through his routine monitoring of the different capitals he had wanted to pull the Feratu into his ranks. Everything about this person had gained his interest from his movements to his robbing of the Subarashi tomb.

”I don't believe it is Materialization Lord, the reason being that upon grabbing his sword yet another Avatar has appeared while he was in his supposed Materialization though it seems the subject was shocked to find this Manifestation as well. However on top of this he bares two previous Avatars as well, the subject is not oridnary Lord. He has also seen fit to eliminate those low class Deva the Association had assigned to the Unaffiliated school and has also slain the young prospect Genji that you had given assistance previously” reported the Watcher causing Lord Asura to raise a brow at this revelation.

”Is there a reason for this seemingly senseless killing” asked Lord Asura as this didn't quite match the initial observations he had done of the Feratu.

”I am not to clear on the reasoning but immediately after he had taken the training of the Unaffiliated upon himself, with this said I believe that it was out of anger for the show of neglect our association had shown to those Deva trainees” suggested the Watcher causing Lord Asura to laugh.

”Ha Ha, interesting. Truly interesting, the more I learn of this child the more I find myself looking into a mirror” laughed Lord Asura as he smiled at the suggestion.

”Lord, my second reason for returning is I am growing nervous of if my presence is discovered by this person. I fear that compared to his Legion Avatar and his false Materialization I may find myself in a losing battle to the death, he doesn't seem fond of these type of tactics but this is merely another assumption based on his disposition.” explained the Watcher dropping his head in order to avoid seeing Lord Asura's reaction.