132 Class Starts For Real (1/2)
The people in the class rooms couldn't believe what they had just witnessed, they had no idea who this person was or how he could act so boldly without fear of the Disciplinary Committee or the Deva Association.
Fumi, Ami, and Haruhi looked at what Draig had done with shock, they couldn't believe this guy.
”Where does he find the courage to do these things” wondered Ami watching Draig turn towards the building and beckon the other useless teachers.
'Cool. . .' thought Fumi as she saw Draig smirk.
With Draig he saw the other teachers didn't seem to want to come out and play.
”Alright then, if you don't want to come to me. . . . . Then I'll come to you” called Draig as he crouched and did a partial transformation to his legs as he drew his Rapier into his other hand showing he possessed two Avatars causing the Deva in training to gawk at him as the Teachers began to look a bit nervous as well.
Suddenly Draig launched himself into the air and used his Rapier as a javelin to spear another of the Teachers and he displayed another his skill with placing Runes as one appeared below his feet giving him extra footing as he leaped into the Class room.
”I'll give you the same chance, get lost and you can live” stated Draig looking at the lazy looking Deva with a lively smirk.
”You can't do this, the Deva Association won't allow you to kill one of their own” started the Teacher but Draig just laughed.
”I don't think they would care about a few useless Deva who were killed by their own students” smiled Draig as the students seemed excited at the opportunity to get rid of this person.
”Do you think you know the will of the Deva Association better than myself” countered the Teacher looking at Draig menacingly.
”The Deva Academy is a lawless place teeming with Demons and ruthless Deva, the Deva Association only want the strongest of the flock to exit those borders. I don't think they will miss a few useless peons” chuckled Draig as he swiped the man's head from his body before tossing another Talisman rendering him to ash like the previous one.
Soon Draig had made rounds to the rest of the Class rooms offering the same option only to end up killing all of the useless tutors.
Stepping outside Draig looked to those awe struck Unaffiliated Deva and made an announcement.
”Everyone get out here or you will regret it” laughed the Feratu as he seemed to have an insane sense of joy from just letting loose. He had thought alot about the past and how he was in the previous world, there was no Feratu here, no bias to his heritage, there was no image he needed to uphold.
For this reason Draig felt a new sense of freedom, a sense of excitement that had never filled his being before.
In his Avatar Zarra seemed to be looking down with glee, this was how he had been as a youth and to see Draig carrying himself with the same disposition filled him with pleasure.
'That's it Draigy, give them hell' called Zarra though no sound came from his words.