127 The Newest Nova pt 2 (1/2)

Draig sat across from Keiko as the people who had heard the admittance of falsehood began to take off any form of association with the Mugen Faction dropping them to the ground and leaving causing Keiko's eyes to well up with tears. Ari grit her teeth but didn't move due to the Talisman on her chest, Yuki however just sat at the side silently as she watched Draig deal with her Faction leader.

”You built a castle out of nothing and expected it to stand strong, that is the most foolish thing I have ever heard. Wait no, there is something else. I was told that I couldn't resist joining the moment I laid eyes on you, tell me why was that necessary” asked Draig looking at Keiko who had went red in the face and seemed to be unwilling to answer.

”Well then, since you wish to be connected to me so intimately then let us connect. I have been so bored without a loyal pet by my side” chuckled Draig as three talismans flew from his sleeves and circled Keiko's neck like a collar causing the girl's eyes to widen.

'I'm not ready' thought Keiko as she assumed the worse of the situation, Ari wasn't much better but Yuki seemed to be looking at the collar a bit too intently.

Draig smirked and began walking out of the room however after he got a certain distance Keiko felt a small jolt.

”Come my pet” called Draig with a laugh causing Keiko to scowl as she walked towards Draig causing him to raise a brow.

”That's not how a pet walks” stated Draig causing Keiko to flush red in humiliation as she hesitantly lowered herself to all fours.

”Good Girl” chuckled Draig as he rubbed her head as if she was a dog.

Ari watched this and couldn't believe Draig to be such a person but Yuki didn't seem bothered by it at all, in fact if you looked closely one could see the faintest of smiles playing across her lips. The scene was something she found to be rather fitting as she had thought Keiko always seemed to be barking like a dog, if Ari and the others hadn't joined with Keiko she would never have aligned with such a person.

Soon the group was walked through the Door of the Manor and the people's eyes were drawn to Keiko on all fours following Draig, a series of murmurs began spreading among the crowed as many people blushed at the scene.

Keiko felt her face growing steadily warmer as she felt the eyes of the people in her faction on her, who was she kidding without Draig's name she had no Faction.

'Who will want to align with me now' thought Keiko as she felt her embarrassment becoming too much.

Draig however smirked when he saw the looks of shock on people's faces before they looked to him in wonder.