126 The Newest Nova (1/2)

A few days had passed since Draig had broken Tsukuba, he had forced the youth's arms to dislocate after losing his temper. The Disciplinary Committee member had cursed Draig in so many ways that the Feratu just snapped after his annoyance had reached an uncanny level. Draig though it would be the end of it with just that however he hadn't been aware of the trio watching the little bout.

They had taken it upon themselves to tell everyone they knew about the encounter as many had been wondering what had happened to the cockiest of the Disciplinary Committee as he hadn't appeared for his usual shakedowns since due to his damaged arms.

Draig however being the social butterfly that he was had yet to hear of these rumors, though he was curious as to why people kept staring at him. Though there was a new foundation being built in the Deva Academy, workers had come the day before and were working tirelessly around the clock to get it done as soon as possible. If he had to guess it looked like a market of sorts, he figured one of the snobby brats born to one of the Emperors had complained about the lack of a facility to spend their money.

This thought just caused Draig to shake his head, he hadn't heard from Ari nor Yuki since his little verbal altercation with Keiko but from what he had heard the Faction was growing surprisingly quick recently.

It was at this time that he saw a few younger Deva come rushing towards him, looking at the symbol emlazoned on their wardrobe it seemed they were from the Mugen Faction.

'Seems they won't take no for an answer after all' thought Draig until he heard the leader of the group speak.

”General Draig, we have been concerned about you” started the youth, he couldn't have been older than fourteen but the address caused Draig to quirk an eyebrow.

”General? Why would you be concerned about me” asked Draig as he was very curious to the situation now.

”Faction Leader Keiko said that you haven't been present at the meeting due to injuries, thus we came to see if you were well” explained the youth causing Draig's eyebrows to shoot into his hairline.

”I am afraid you are confused, I am not a member of any Faction let alone that weakling's little rag tag group” stated Draig causing the group to look at him in shock.

”But Faction Leader said that you joined the moment you laid eyes on her” spoke the groups leader causing Draig's jaw to drop.

”Why don't you take me to this Faction of yours so we can get this straightened out” grunted Draig, he found that his decent mood had become ruined by this information.

The group nodded thinking that Draig had just been jokng before until he heard them mention the latter piece of informaton.

The group lead Draig silently though they kept casting glances back towards him in excitement along with the murmuring of newest Nova, Draig shook his head at these poor fools who had been deceived though he felt a bit of anger at having his name used by someone for their own purpose.

Soon they arrived and Draig widened his eyes as he saw the number of people was actually quite astounding, people looked at Draig oddly before noticing the Rapier strapped to his hip bringing instant recognition as they began to chatter excitedly.

Meanwhile in the miniature manor Keiko was laughing happily, her faction was adding new members daily and it pleased her to see so many people gathering under her banner. Off to the side Ari and Yuki looked as if they had ate something awful causing Keiko to look at them curiously.