125 Attending Classes pt2 (1/2)

Draig had shown great interest in becoming a Head Hunter Deva, these were the Deva that could roam about freely and slay Demons before turning in their corpses for money. It wasn't as profitable as being a Deva enlisted with a Dynasty but it still allowed more freedom which is somethign Draig liked about the job.

The Dorm Leader however just couldn't believe that someone like Draig could even exist, who would want to spend their days as population control for Demons. He felt that the Feratu didn't understand that he would be forced to constantly battle Demons if he wanted to make a living at it, however he knew that he couldn't convince the Feratu. Hell he couldn't even force him to do anything.

While the Dorm Leader was lamenting his troubles Draig was going to check out the so called campus, it wasn't hard to find as it was obviously the most rickety looking building at the base of the mountain.

'You must be joking' thought Draig as he looked at this small campus that couldn't have been bigger than even the smallest of Guild Buildings. Staring at the wooden building that looked as if it was made from recycled materials the Feratu couldn't help but sigh.

However he had made his bed and now he must lay in it, with that thought Draig walked to door noticing that there wasn't anyone around until he walked inside and found that besides a few low end Deva there were very few students. His appearance had attracted the attention of these people causing some curiosity as they had never seen him before.

Though he left soon after finding the place to be nothing but a sham for anyone attempting to be a Deva.

”Who was that” asked a blonde haired girl looking towards her two friends.

”Oh do you have a crush Ami” chuckled a bubbly girl with green hair.

”Shut it Haruhi” growled Ami

Off to the side the third member of their Trio sat quietly staring at the door Draig had left through.

'What an odd Sword' thought the girl distractedly her sloth like aura apparent from just looking at her.

”Fumi? Hey Fumi, are you listening” called the one called Haruhi getting the girls attention as she looked towards her cheerful friend.

”Yes. . . .” asked Fumi her half lidded eyes focusing on the girl.

”What do you think about that guy” asked Haruhi with a tilt of her head.

”I .. don't know. . .” answered Fumi as she started laying her head back down.

”Should we investigate” asked Haruhi with a smile causing Ami to look at her oddly.

”Why would we want to investigate some random guy” asked Ami as she crossed her arms under her generous buxom.

”Because. . . He's new” smiled the bubbly girl.

Ami just shook her head as she looked towards Fumi who seemed like she was about to fall asleep, she thought about it for a bit. It wasn't like the teachers here were doing anything and it was better than just sitting around waiting for nothing.

”Fine ... let's follow him” stated Ami causing Haruhi to smile in a knowing way.

”I knew you had a crush” laughed Haruhi as the duo shook Fumi and told her their plan.

While this was happening Draig had just exited the building and was intent on leaving when he saw a student with a cruel smile waiting at the entrance.

”Halt, you know the drill. Pay the toll or you can't leave the campus” smirked the youth with a sash over his right arm displaying his position.