124 Attending the Classes (2/2)

”Worse, it would be more appropriate to say they have taken as Chore boys” grunted the Dorm leader as he didn't see anything funny about the situation.

Draig couldn't help the chuckled that slipped from his lips earning him a glare from the Dorm leader.

”I am glad that my problems amuse you, perhaps you would like to be our Dorms chore boy” asked the Dorm Leader threateningly which wasn't the route to take with someone like the Feratu.

”If you can make me” stated Draig with narrowed eyes as his hand came to rest of the Thousand Fold Blade, this had the effect of reminding the Dorm Leader that the person he was talking to wasn't some good for nothing E rank like the majority of his Dorm.

”Forget I said anything... ... ...” muttered the Dorm Leader causing Draig to sneer internally.

'Don't make threats that you can't back up' thought Draig as he decided to ask another question.

”So I noticed the different buildings surrounding that mountain, what's the situation with them” asked Draig changing the subject which seemed to be the lifeline the Dorm leader was looking for to clear the awkward air.

”Each of the Dynasties has their own campus now, these are entirely funded by their respective Dynasties and they pay the Deva of the Association for their time teaching their future soldiers and defenders.” explained the Dorm Leader simply but this begged the question.

”Then what about the Unaffiliated.. .. .. ..” asked Draig certain that the answer was going to be dissatisfying.

”Well.. .. ... how do I put this plainly. We are kind of a charity case.. .. .. but on the brightside it isn't as bad as you think. We are actually funded by former Unaffiliates and they are kind enough to spare what they can meaning that while we don't have the best we still have something” smiled the Dorm Leader, it seemed the thought of the former generation coming forth to assist the new generation made him proud.

”So it's still inferior to the other's Campus” stated Draig causing the Dorm Leader's smile to falter at the blunt outlook.

”It's the spirit behind it that counts, our predecessors of the Unaffiliated have shown great kindness being able to spare any money to build us a campus. Do you know how hard it is to make a living as a unaffiliated Deva” asked the Dorm Leader causing Draig to look at him questioningly.

”It is hard, most of us are forced to become Head Hunting Deva and do you know what the life expectancy is for them” asked the Dorm Leader continuing his rant.

Draig however perked up after hearing of such a classification for Deva.

”Tell me more.. .. ..” smiled Draig causing the Dorm Leader to deadpan as he now realized Draig truly was not like normal people