123 Factions pt2 (1/2)

Draig sat there with a smirk as he channeled his old personality as if to say even in this time where he had lost most of his abilities he still sat above the common people.

”Draig, why are you in Dorm E” asked Ari suddenly disrupting the tension.

”I didn't enter the arena” answered Draig causing everyone to look at him strangely.

”Why would you do that, you could of been in Dorm B at the very least” asked Yuki looking at the Vampire with a sense of curiosity.

”It is better to remain low key in these types of situations” explained Draig drawing an odd look from everyone there again.

'You call this low key, you just displayed a legion of monsters and people for an Avatar and then display a completely separate one' thought everyone as the resisted the urge to spit blood.

Keiko however was staring at Draig with a calculating gaze, according to what Yuki had just said this person would at the very east be Dorm B material. This was someone she could make use of, with that thought she smiled.

”Draig, surely we don't need to come to blows over a misunderstanding” started Keiko causing the crowd to look at her.

”Did you not suggest this wager” asked Draig causing Keiko to grimace at having her previous words brought up when she was trying to cool down the situation.

Keiko started sweating as it seemed she had spoken before she knew there was tiger in this den, coughing lightly then began speaking.

”That's right I suggested it thus I am unsuggesting this wager” stated Keiko shamelessly causing everyone present Draig included to nearly spit blood.

'So shameless' though Draig shaking his head as he turned his back on the girl.

”If that is the case then my presence is no longer needed, I merely wished to see what all the noise was about” sighed Draig as he went to return to his room despite his earlier wishes of exploring the grounds of the Academy

”Draig wait, why don't you come and talk. It's been a long time since we last saw each other, besides the rest of the Lords children have joined the Mugen Faction and I'm sure they would like to meet you” called Ari causing Keiko to look at her approvingly for saving the situation though she didn't realize it was more for her than her apparent leader.

Draig sighed and thought it over for a bit, he didn't really wish to associate with a Faction. Hell he didn't even know about Factions until today however this may prove to be an interesting subject so reluctantly the Feratu turned around.

”Very well, we can talk but I won't be joining a Faction” stated Draig causing the small look of victory on Keiko's face to vanish.

Yuki seemed to smile for a moment before the expression disappeared, soon the group left the Dorm while Ginji was once again looking like a lost puppy as Draig walked away with the Thousand Fold Blade tied to his waist.

'Why am I cursed to watch you leave me after only meeting again for a few moments' thought Ginji as he felt his heartstrings tugging in longing.

The man had the effect of causing the residents of the Dorm to disperse because of his odd actions.

With Draig however the group walked in silence for some time as the Feratu didn't know what it was these two people wanted to know exactly.

Keiko on the other hand seemed to want to speak but found the silence preventing her from doing so.